Difference Between Promise and Async/Await



Promise is an object representing intermediate state of operation which is guaranteed to complete its execution at some point in future.Async/Await is a syntactic sugar for promises, a wrapper making the code execute more synchronously.
Promise has 3 states – resolved, rejected and pending.It does not have any states. It returns a promise either resolved or rejected.
If the function “fxn1” is to executed after the promise, then promise.then(fxn1) continues execution of the current function after adding the fxn1 call to the callback chain.If the function “fxn1” is to executed after await, then await X() suspends execution of the current function and then fxn1 is executed.                                
Error handling is done using .then() and .catch() methods.Error handling is done using .try() and .catch() methods.
Promise chains can become difficult to understand sometimes.Using Async/Await makes it easier to read and understand the flow of the program as compared to promise chains.                                                        

Difference between Promise and async/await in Node

Promises use .then() and .catch() for handling asynchronous operations and chaining, while async/await provides a more readable, synchronous-like syntax for managing asynchronous code with try/catch for error handling.

Asynchronous programming is fundamental in Node.js, ensuring non-blocking operations. Promises and async/await are two key techniques for managing asynchronous code, each with distinct syntax. This article explores their syntax differences and helps you choose the best approach for your projects.

Table of Content

  • Promises
  • Async/Await
  • Difference Between Promise and Async/Await

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Difference Between Promise and Async/Await

Promise Async/Await Promise is an object representing intermediate state of operation which is guaranteed to complete its execution at some point in future.Async/Await is a syntactic sugar for promises, a wrapper making the code execute more synchronously.Promise has 3 states – resolved, rejected and pending.It does not have any states. It returns a promise either resolved or rejected.If the function “fxn1” is to executed after the promise, then promise.then(fxn1) continues execution of the current function after adding the fxn1 call to the callback chain.If the function “fxn1” is to executed after await, then await X() suspends execution of the current function and then fxn1 is executed.                                Error handling is done using .then() and .catch() methods.Error handling is done using .try() and .catch() methods.Promise chains can become difficult to understand sometimes.Using Async/Await makes it easier to read and understand the flow of the program as compared to promise chains....

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