Difference between Memorandum of Association (MoA) and Articles of Association (AoA)

Basis of Comparison

Memorandum of Association (MoA)

Articles of Association (AoA)

Meaning A document including every fundamental 
information essential for the incorporation 
of an organization.
A document including every
rules and regulations governing
an organization.
Purpose The purpose of MoA is defining objectives
and conditions of an organization and its 
The purpose of AoA is defining 
rules and regulations governing 
the internal management of the 
organization for the accomplishment
of its goals. 
Status MoA is subordinate to the Companies Act. AoA is subordinate to MoA.
Defines An MoA defines the objectives, powers, and
limits of an organization.
An AoA defines the powers, rights,
duties, and liabilities that comes 
with the members of the company.
Relationship An MoA connects the outsiders with the
An AoA connects the members of an
organization with the company itself.
Retrospective Effect An organization cannot amend its MoA. An organization can amend its AoA.
Registration MoA is a document compulsory for every 
organization irrespective of its nature and 
It is mandatory for a private company.
However, a public company limited by
shares can adopt Table F of the Companies
Act, 2013. 
Compulsion It is mandatory to fill MoA. It is not mandatory to fill AoA.
Alteration An organization can alter MoA after passing 
a SR (Special Resolution) in the Annual General 
Meeting. Besides, it also require a previous approval
of Company Law Board and Central Government.
An organization can alter the Articles after 
passing SR (Special Resolution) at the Annual
General Meeting (AGM) of the company. 
Contents An MoA consists of six clauses. An AoA is drafted by an organization as per
its choice. 

Difference between Articles of Association (AOA) and Memorandum of Association (MOA)

The formation of a company is a complex activity including many formalities and procedures. It has different stages and in every stage of the formation of the company there lies a set of documents and pre-defined procedures, it has to fulfil for starting a business. Article of Association and Memorandum of Association are the two most important documents, an organization has to fill out for the formation of a company. 

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Difference between Memorandum of Association (MoA) and Articles of Association (AoA)

Basis of Comparison Memorandum of Association (MoA) Articles of Association (AoA) Meaning A document including every fundamental information essential for the incorporation of an organization. A document including everyrules and regulations governingan organization. Purpose The purpose of MoA is defining objectivesand conditions of an organization and its incorporation. The purpose of AoA is defining rules and regulations governing the internal management of the organization for the accomplishmentof its goals.  Status MoA is subordinate to the Companies Act. AoA is subordinate to MoA. Defines An MoA defines the objectives, powers, andlimits of an organization. An AoA defines the powers, rights,duties, and liabilities that comes with the members of the company. Relationship An MoA connects the outsiders with theorganizations.  An AoA connects the members of anorganization with the company itself. Retrospective Effect An organization cannot amend its MoA. An organization can amend its AoA. Registration MoA is a document compulsory for every organization irrespective of its nature and type. It is mandatory for a private company.However, a public company limited byshares can adopt Table F of the CompaniesAct, 2013.  Compulsion It is mandatory to fill MoA. It is not mandatory to fill AoA. Alteration An organization can alter MoA after passing a SR (Special Resolution) in the Annual General Meeting. Besides, it also require a previous approvalof Company Law Board and Central Government. An organization can alter the Articles after passing SR (Special Resolution) at the AnnualGeneral Meeting (AGM) of the company.  Contents An MoA consists of six clauses. An AoA is drafted by an organization as perits choice....

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