Difference between Leader and Manager

Basis Leader Manager


A leader is a person who leads a particular team and influences it’s team members to perform well and achieve the goal. A manager is a person who manages the organization or a project by planning, giving direction, maintaining coordination and control.


A leader focuses to satisfy behaviour of each and every member of group and realisation of group goals.

A manager focuses on influencing the behaviour of employees to achieve the goals of the organisation.


A leader is not always a manager. Non-managers may lead informal groups.

A manager is always a leader as he has to influence behaviour of his subordinates.

Formal or Informal organisation

A leader may exist in formal as well as informal organisation.

A manager exists only in formal organisation.


A leader has only informal authority arising due to trust and faith shown by group members.

A manager has formal authority to influence behaviour of the employees.

Process Leaders process are transformational as they develop vision and find a way forward to achieve the goal. So a leader always looks after a team. Managers process are transactional as they delegate tasks, meet objectives. So a manager oversees a team
Skills A leader exhibits strategic view, team management, open mind and promotes innovation. A manager exhibits organizational skills, management skills, problem solving skills and conformity.


A leader always says “We”, where the subordinates are followers or team members.

A manager always says “I”, where the subordinates are the employees.

Circle Leaders create circles of influence and lead by inspiring. They mainly shape the culture and drive integrity. Managers create circles of power and lead by authority. They mainly enact the existing culture and maintain status quo.
Decision Making A leader mainly facilitates the decisions. A manager mainly facilitates the decisions.

Difference between Leader and Manager

A Manager and a Leader are often confused as the same. However, both of them have some dissimilarities. A leader is a person, who sets a direction to achieve a goal. He promotes change and uses conflicts as an asset. A leader facilitates the decisions, whereas a manager is a person, who sets instructions to do a project. He reacts to change and avoids conflict. A manager mostly makes decisions.

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Difference between Leader and Manager


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