Difference between grep() and grepl()

Most of the time these two functions are considered the same. Though both the functions are used to check whether a particular pattern matches in the given collection of strings but they differ in the types of output returned by them. 

  • grep(): This function returns a vector of indices of the character strings that contain the pattern.
  • grepl(): This function returns TRUE if a pattern exists in a character string.


In this example, we are searching the pattern “w3wiki” in the data vector using grep() function, it returns 1 since this pattern is located at the index 1 in the given vector. Also, we are searching the pattern “Bhuwanesh” in the same vector but using grepl() function this time, and it returns a set of boolean values describing whether the ith element of the vector contains this pattern or not.


# create a vector of data
data <- c("w3wiki", "gfg", "Bhuwanesh",
          "Nainwal", "Swift")
grep("w3wiki", data)
grepl("Bhuwanesh", data) 


Difference Between grep() vs. grepl() in R

In this article, we will discuss the difference between grep() and grepl() in R programming language.

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