Difference Between Corpus Callosum and Corpus Luteum

The major differences between corpus callosum and corpus luteum are given below:

Features Corpus Callosum Corpus Luteum


Found in the brain connecting the cerebral hemispheres

Located in the ovary


Composed of the nerve fibres

Composed of the granulosa and theca cells


It facilitates communication between the two cerebral hemispheres

The Produces and secretes progesterone

Role in the body

Integrates and coordinates communication and functions between the brain’s hemispheres

Supports the menstrual cycle and early stages of pregnancy


The Essential for normal brain function and cognitive processes

It the vital for preparing the uterus for implantation and maintaining pregnancy


Present throughout life

Temporary structure, typically lasting 10-14 days


Not involved in the reproductive system

It is a crucial component of the female reproductive system

Impact of absence

This can lead to communication and coordination difficulties between brain hemispheres

Insufficient progesterone production may impact fertility and pregnancy

After function ceases

Remains in brain

Regresses and transforms into the Corpus Albicans

Difference Between Corpus Callosum and Corpus Luteum

The difference between corpus callosum and corpus luteum lies in their anatomical location and function within the body. While the corpus callosum is a brain structure that facilitates communication between the cerebral hemispheres, the corpus luteum is an endocrine structure in the ovary involved in hormone production to support pregnancy. The Corpus callosum and corpus luteum are two structures in mammals.

In this article, we will cover in detail the differences between corpus callosum and corpus luteum, their function, and structure.

Difference Between Corpus Callosum and Corpus Luteum

Table of Content

  • What is Corpus Callosum?
  • What is the Corpus Luteum?
  • Difference Between Corpus Callosum and Corpus Luteum
  • Conclusion – Difference Between Corpus Callosum and Corpus Luteum
  • Other Articles Related to Difference
  • FAQs on Difference Between Corpus Callosum and Corpus Luteum

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Conclusion – Difference Between Corpus Callosum and Corpus Luteum

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FAQs on Difference Between Corpus Callosum and Corpus Luteum

What is the Difference Between the Corpus Callosum and the Corpus Albicans?...

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