Difference between Cork Cambium and Vascular Cambium

Cork Cambium

Vascular Cambium

It’s a Meristematic tissue. It’s also a Meristematic tissue. 
It’s a component of tree bark.  It’s present inside the cork cambium. 
The cork cambium produces the cork and the secondary cortex.  The vascular cambium produces secondary xylem and secondary phloem.
Cork cambium develops from the secondary lateral meristem. The vascular cambium develops from the apical meristem. 
The stem and root are shielded by the cork cambium, which also stops water loss. The vascular cambium creates lignified cells and gives the plant its structural support.
Produces the lenticels.  Produces the medullary cells

Cork Cambium

The study of an organism’s internal structure is called anatomy. Histology, or the study of tissue organization and structure, is a component of plant anatomy research. Anatomy reveals the structural adaptation to various settings and reveals the structural differences of various groups of plants.

Tissue is a collection of cells with shared ancestry and typically performing a similar function.

  • Meristematic tissue is a straightforward tissue made up of clusters of comparable, immature cells that have the ability to divide and create new cells. Apical meristems are those that grow at the tips of roots and shoots.
    In particular, intercalary meristems are found between mature tissues in grasses. Both apical and intercalary meristems are primary meristems because they emerge early in a plant’s life and aid in the formation of the main plant body.
    The term “lateral meristem” refers to the meristem that grows on the sides of plants and contributes to the growth of their girth. In the primary lateral meristem, there is intrafascicular cambium. Cork and vascular cambium are secondary meristems.
  • Permanent tissue refers to cells that have lost the capacity to proliferate and have physically and functionally specialized. Simple permanent tissues are those with cells that are all similar in structure and function, whereas complicated tissues are those with a variety of cell types.
    Simple permanent living tissue known as parenchyma is composed of isodiametric cells with thin walls. A substantial central vacuole and nuclei-containing cytoplasm are enclosed within each cell. They can be discovered in the softer, non-woody parts of the stem, root, leaves, fruits, and flowers. They serve as food storage and give plants softer portions turgidity.

Cells in the collenchyma have significantly thicker corners as a result of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin. Chlorophyll is frequently oval, spherical, or polygonal in shape. They give the plants’ developing portions, such as young stems, mechanical support.

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Difference between Cork Cambium and Vascular Cambium

Cork Cambium Vascular Cambium It’s a Meristematic tissue. It’s also a Meristematic tissue.  It’s a component of tree bark.  It’s present inside the cork cambium.  The cork cambium produces the cork and the secondary cortex.  The vascular cambium produces secondary xylem and secondary phloem. Cork cambium develops from the secondary lateral meristem. The vascular cambium develops from the apical meristem.  The stem and root are shielded by the cork cambium, which also stops water loss. The vascular cambium creates lignified cells and gives the plant its structural support. Produces the lenticels.  Produces the medullary cells...

FAQs on Cork Cambium

Question 1: Give an example of thick-walled parenchyma cells....

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