Difference between Batch processing and Real-time Processing

Following are the differences between Batch processing and Real-time processing:

Characteristics Batch Processing Real-time Processing
Job Frequency It has infrequent jobs that produce results once the job has finished running It has continuously running jobs that produce constant results
Processing Speed Slower processing of data in chunks after accumulation Immediate processing of individual data points
Job Control Batch processes can be postponed or halted whenever required Real-time processes need to respond instantly
Latency High latency performance (minutes or hours) Low latency performance (milliseconds to seconds)
Complexity Less complex More complex
Scalability More scalable and cost effective Less scalable and less cost effective
Interactivity Not interactive enough Highly interactive
Data Sources Data sources are databases, APIs, static files Data sources are message queues, data points
Opposite It is the opposite of real-time processing It is the opposite of batch processing
Data Collection Collects data over time and sends it for processing once collected Continuously collects data and processes it fast, piece by piece

What is the difference between batch processing and real-time processing?

In this article, we will learn about two fundamental methods that govern the flow of information and understand how data gets processed in the digital world. We start with simple definitions of batch processing and real-time processing, and gradually cover the unique characteristics and differences.

Table of Content

  • Data processing in Data Engineering
  • Batch Processing in Data Engineering
  • Real-time Processing
  • Difference between Batch processing and Real-time Processing

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