Difference between Bank Statement and Bank Reconciliation Statement


Bank Statement/Pass Book

Bank Reconciliation Statement

Preparation It is prepared by banks. It is prepared by businessmen.
Objective Its main objective is to inform customers about the transactions during a period. Its main objective is to find out the cause or causes of difference in the balance sheet of cash book and pass book and rectify them.
Time It is prepared for a particular period. It is prepared on a particular date.
Necessity It is necessary to prepare Bank Statement/ Pass book.  It is not necessary for businessmen/customers to prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement. 
Content The content includes:
(i) Date of Transaction
(ii) Particulars of Transaction
(iii) Drawings
(iv) Deposits
(v) Balance
The content includes:
(i) Cause or Causes of differences
(ii) Amount of difference
Starting Amount It begins with the balance of the customer’s balance account. It begins with the Cash Book or Pass Book balance. 
Final Result The balance in the account of the customer in the books of the bank after a particular period is shown as the final result. The balance of Cash Book or Pass Book on a particular date is shown as the final result.

Difference between Bank Statement and Bank Reconciliation Statement

A Bank Statement and a Bank Reconciliation Statement are often considered as same. But there are differences between them. A Bank Pass Book is the true copy of the account of the customer in the books of the bank, whereas a Bank Reconciliation Statement is a statement prepared mainly to reconcile the differences between the ‘Bank Balance’ shown by the Cash Book and Bank Pass Book. 

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