Difference between = and IN Operator

= Operator IN Operator
It allows comparison of attributes with single value. It allows comparison of attributes with multiple value. For single value comparison behaves same as = .
For multiple comparison we have to use appropriate Operator in addition.(i.e JOIN, OR, AND, etc.) No additional use of Operator required.
Useful in scenarios when sub-query returns single value as result. Useful in scenarios when sub-query returns multiple values as result.
It will generate an error if you have more than one result on the subquery. It will not generate an error if you have multiple results on the subquery.
It is faster as compared to IN Operator. The IN clause is slower compared to = as it compares with multiple values until the condition satisfies.

Difference between (Equal) = and IN operator in SQL

Equal (=) and IN operators are both comparison operators in SQL, the only difference between = and IN operator is that ‘=’ operator compares two values, but IN operator compares a value against set of values.

Here, we will learn the difference between the SQL ‘=’ and IN operator by understanding each of them.

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