Designing Principles Used in Design

Color Theory:

There are a varied set of colors which one can choose to style the website. Pick a color of any choice and style the remaining part of the website accordingly. But the color choices should be uniform as the major part to be styled is the header and footer. Rest parts of the website contain infographics.

Negative Spaces:

Good amount of negative spaces is necessary for the overall readability of the website. Negative spaces are simply black spaces left so that the website looks clean and clear, and less cluttered.


As the website is solely based on the pictures of food items the producer publishes, alignment here in becomes necessary. This is because pictures when pasted in a improper alignment tend to look messy and abnormal. A proper alignment ensures good readability and better user interactivity.

Grid System:

Grid system plays an integral part in the website, yet again in terms of infographics and other graphics. Different images can be displayed in a grid format that makes the website user interactive and fun to order from.


Selection of appropriate fonts is important as too fancy and colorful fonts upset the user’s eyes. Moreover, fonts always are supposed to be kept simple and easy to read. For headings one can use slight fancy fonts.

UI Design of a Restaurant Website

A Restaurant Website must be colorful and well designed enough to attract customers. A good UI for a restaurant page enhances customer reviews and when ordering online, it is only this thing that helps the business grow, such as pictures of good food, customer feedback options, ready to avail choices, menu etc. In this article we will cover basic designing principles to design a restaurant website UI.

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Thus, the goal of creating a simple and beautiful restaurant website can be achieved by following the above listed designing principles and following the approach to create the UI of several pages. It is not the color code or the graphics that would enhance the website, but the infographics and varied combinations that would....

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