
We define a deque, short for “double-ended queue,” as a versatile data structure that allows us to add and remove elements from both ends efficiently. It combines the features of a stack and a queue into a single structure. A deque is a linear data structure that allows elements to be added or removed from both the front (left) and rear (right) ends. This property makes it suitable for various applications where you need to efficiently manipulate elements at either end of the collection. Whenever an item is removed or inserted from the deque “front” and the “rear” pointer is adjusted accordingly.

Deque in JavaScript

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We define a deque, short for “double-ended queue,” as a versatile data structure that allows us to add and remove elements from both ends efficiently. It combines the features of a stack and a queue into a single structure. A deque is a linear data structure that allows elements to be added or removed from both the front (left) and rear (right) ends. This property makes it suitable for various applications where you need to efficiently manipulate elements at either end of the collection. Whenever an item is removed or inserted from the deque “front” and the “rear” pointer is adjusted accordingly....

Key Characteristics of a Deque

Double-Ended: We can add and remove elements from both ends – the front and the rear. Constant Time Complexity: Deques provides O(1) time complexity for inserting and removing elements from both ends. Versatility: Deques can be used as a stack (last-in, first-out) or a queue (first-in, first-out) depending on the requirements....

Basic Operations in Deque

Enqueue Front: Add an element to the front of the deque. Enqueue Rear: Add an element to the rear of the deque. Dequeue Front: Remove an element from the front of the deque. Dequeue Rear: Remove an element from the rear of the deque. Front: Get the element at the front of the deque without removing it. Rear: Get the element at the rear of the deque without removing it. Is Empty: Check if the deque is empty. Size: Get the number of elements in the deque....

Step by Step implementation of Deque

Step 1: Define a Deque Class using a constructor function, in which we initialise properties of object that will be created when Deque class is instantiated. Here, we have initialised an array inside constructor that we will be using throughout to store elements....

Complete Code Implementation of a Deque in JavaScript

Let’s see how to use Deque Implementation with an example....

Applications of Deque


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