Deployment in Kubernetes

Let’s see the following terms what they are and how they help us to deploy our app on Kubernetes.

  • Docker: Think of docker as a special container. It helps us to put our app and all its stuff in this container. This makes easy to move our app from one place to another. We need docker to containerize our application with all the dependencies needed to run our app. so that it will be easily run on any machine.
  • Docker Desktop: It is a user-friendly tool that provides us an environment for building and maintaining containerized apps using Docker Desktop. this tool makes it easy for containerization as well as for creating a cluster in Kubernetes.
  • Kubernetes(K8s): Kubernetes is an open-source application manager. It is like a boos that organizes apps, keeps them safe and makes sure that they are always available. It is designed to work with containers. Creates a cluster for deployment and makes it accessible to others.
  • Kubectl: It is a kubectl command line tool used to interact with Kubernetes clusters.
  • Kubernetes Cluster: Think of a Kubernetes cluster as a team of computers (nodes) that work together to manage your applications. It’s like a group of specialized workers who take care of your apps.
  • Deployment : A resource that manages the desired state of container, ensures specific no of replica running at all times.
  • Service File : A resource that provides a stable network endpoint to access a set of pods. Services enable load balancing and service discovery.
  • Pod: Smallest unit in kubernetes a pod can contain one or more containers that share the same network and storage usage.

Deploying a React Application in Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source free manager for your computer program. These programs can be in the containers. Each container holds a program and everything it needs to run. To Keep track of all these containers that contain your application this is where the Kubernetes role comes in. Kubernetes does this for us. It can automate, scale, and manage the deployment of our application. Some Terms are there you need to go through it. So during deployment, you can understand how it helps.

So, if you have built your awesome React app, and now you want to share it with the world. With the help of Kubernetes you can easily deploy it. In this guide we will break down how to take your react app and deploy it into Kubernetes, making it accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

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