Deploying An Application On Kind Kubernetes Cluster: A Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1: Installation Of Kind

  • You can install Kind using may ways. Here we are installing Kind using Binaries for my WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) by using the following command:
# For AMD64 / x86_64
[ $(uname -m) = x86_64 ] && curl -Lo ./kind
# For ARM64
[ $(uname -m) = aarch64 ] && curl -Lo ./kind
chmod +x ./kind
sudo mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/kind

  • To confirm if Kind is installed in your machine enter the following command:

And you will see the following result as confirmation:

Step 2: Creating A Kind Cluster

  • We have two ways to create a Kubernetes Cluster using Kind.
  • We can create a Cluster without defining any name for the cluster and the default name is “kind”.
  • For that you have to enter the following command:
kind create cluster
  • To create a cluster with a specific name. Enter the following command:
kind create cluster --name [NAME_OF_THE_CLUSTER]
  • For now I am creating a Cluster named gfg-cluster, for that I have entered the following command:
kind create cluster --name gfg-cluster
  • And this created a new cluster for me called gfg-cluster:

Step 3: Checking The Number Of Nodes In The Cluster

  • Kind runs Kubernetes Nodes as containers, so if we check out the list of containers using the following Docker command:
docker container ls
  • We will see our kindest/node Node running, so for now this is a single Node cluster.

  • We can also confirm this by checking out the list of Nodes in our Cluster. Enter the following kubectl command:
kubectl get nodes

And we can see a single Node running by the name “gfg-cluster-control-plane”.

Step 4: Creating Multiple Clusters Using Kind

  • The steps we followed till now are pretty common for other methods of creating local Kubernetes clusters such as using Minikube or using Docker Desktop.
  • What Kind offers better than its alternatives is the ability to create multiple clusters.
  • To create another cluster using Kind, enter the following command:
kind create cluster --name gfg-cluster-two
  • And you will have another cluster created called “gfg-cluster-two”:

  • Now that we have created two cluster for no use, let’s delete the second clusters. To delete a Kind cluster, enter the following command:
 kind delete cluster --name gfg-cluster-two
  • And you will get a similar result when you Cluster will be deleted:

Step 5: Creating Cluster Using Config Files

  • The one key differentiator why Kind is better than its alternatives is creating multiple clusters.
  • But other than this, a very important factor for many engineers using Kind is that we can create a Cluster using a config file.
  • Here is a sample config file we will use to create our Kind cluster:
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- |
kind: InitConfiguration
node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
- containerPort: 80
hostPort: 80
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 443
hostPort: 443
protocol: TCP
- role: control-plane
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
- role: worker
  • Using the above config file, we can create a Kind cluster that has 3 Control Plane Nodes and 3 Worker Nodes.
  • For creating a Cluster using this config file, create a new file using the following command:
touch multi-node-cluster.yaml
  • And Enter the following code in the file (for the sake of simplicity, we are creating a cluster with 2 Nodes:
kind: Cluster
name: kind
- role: control-plane
- |
kind: InitConfiguration
node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
- containerPort: 80
hostPort: 8080
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 443
hostPort: 44300
protocol: TCP
- role: worker
  • To create a cluster using this configuration file, enter the following command:
kind create cluster --config=multi-node-cluster.yaml --name=multi-node-cluster
  • You will get a similar output on the terminal:

  • So now when we checkout the list of Nodes in our cluster using the following command:
kubectl get nodes
  • We can find our two Nodes in the list:

Step 6: Creating The Configuration File

Now that we have a Cluster up and running, let’s deploy an application on that cluster. Here is a configuration file that will deploy a simple HTTP echo server on our Cluster, it has three sections:

  • The first section of the config file contains the name and the Docker image for the pods along with the “args” field that contains the arguments to run in the container.
  • The second section is defines the Service and the port it will use.
  • The third section defines the Ingress section for setting up networking for the service.
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: test-app
app: test-app
- name: test-app
image: hashicorp/http-echo:latest
- "-text=The test has been successful!"
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: test-service
app: test-app
- port: 5678
kind: Ingress
name: test-ingress
- http:
- pathType: Prefix
path: "/app"
name: test-service
number: 5678
  • Create a new file called test-app.yaml by entering the following command and then copy paste the configuration above:
touch test-app.yaml

Step 7. Deploying The Application

  • Enter the following command to apply the config file to the cluster:
kubectl apply -f test-app.yaml
  • Now that our Pod and Service have been deployed, we can apply the ingress NGINX controller using the the following command:
 kubectl apply -f
  • In this configuration, ingress works as the cluster’s reverse proxy and load balancer.
  • This command will create multiple Kubernetes objects and you will get a similar output:

  • After that enter the following command to set up port forwarding for the service (make sure that your Pod is up and running before forwarding the port, if not give it some time for the container to start running):
kubectl port-forward service/test-service 5678:5678
  • You will get a similar result and with that your application has been deployed on the cluster and the port has been forwarded:

Step 7: Testing The application

  • Now that our application has been deployed, the final step would be to see if everything is working fine or not.
  • For that open a new terminal window and go to the localhost:5678 using the following command:
curl localhost:5678
  • And you will get the message “The test has been successful” that we specified in the args section of the configuration file test-app.yaml. You will get a similar result:

  • And with that we have completed our tutorial where we learned how to use Kind to deploy Kubernetes clusters.
  • Pat yourself on the back and let’s move ahead to the most common Kind commands you should know.

How To Use Kind To Deploy Kubernetes Clusters?

Kind also referred to as Kubernetes in Docker is a popular open-source tool used for running a Kubernetes cluster locally. Kind uses Docker containers as Cluster Nodes making it substantially faster than its alternatives like Minikube or Docker Desktop which uses a Virtual Machine. Kind is commonly used to test Kubernetes clusters on local machines. Kind is useful specifically when the user wants to create a multi-Node cluster since Minikube or Docker Desktop does not provide any such functionality. In this article we will learn about KinD and see how to use KinD for Deploying Kubernetes clusters.

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Kind also referred to as Kubernetes in Docker is a popular open-source tool used for running a Kubernetes cluster locally. Kind uses Docker containers as Cluster Nodes making it substantially faster than its alternatives like Minikube or Docker Desktop which uses a Virtual Machine. Kind is commonly used to test Kubernetes clusters on local machines. Kind is useful specifically when the user wants to create a multi-Node cluster since Minikube or Docker Desktop does not provide any such functionality. It can also be useful when the user wants to test his or her application when one Node goes down or when the application is shut down on one Node and restarts on another. Kind consists of the following packages and tools:...

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In this article we learned about KinD and how to use it to deploy Kubernetes clusters. KinD also referred as Kubernetes in Docker is a popular open-source tool used for running a Kubernetes clusters locally. Kind uses Docker containers as Cluster Nodes making it substantially faster than it’s alternatives like Minikube or Docker Desktop which uses a Virtual Machine. Kind is commonly used to test Kubernetes clusters on local machines. We hope that this article taught you about what Kind is, how it works and how to deploy an application using Kind. Make sure to follow other articles on GeeksforGeeks to know about more tools in DevOps....

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