Dense Index

It contains an index record for every search key value in the file. This will result in making searching faster. The total number of records in the index table and main table are the same. It will result in the requirement for more space to store the index of records itself.

Dense indexing


  1. Gives quick access to records, particularly for Small datasets.
  2. Effective for range searches since each key value has an entry.


  1. Can be memory-intensive and may require a significant amount of storage space.
  2. Insertions and deletions result in a higher maintenance overhead because the index must be updated more frequently.

Difference Between Dense Index and Sparse Index in DBMS

Indexing is a technique in DBMS that is used to optimize the performance of a database by reducing the number of disk access required. An index is a type of data structure. With the help of an index, we can locate and access data in database tables faster. The dense index and Sparse index are two different approaches to organizing and accessing data in the data structure. These are commonly used in databases and information retrieval systems.

Index structure

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Dense Index

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Sparse Index

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Difference Between Dense Index and Sparse Index



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