Define/use of variables of above example

Variable Defined at node Used at node
x 1 2, 3
y 1 2, 4
a 3, 4 5

Data Flow Testing

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What is Data Flow Testing:

Is a type of structural testing. It is a method that is used to find the test paths of a program according to the locations of definitions and uses of variables in the program. It has nothing to do with data flow diagrams. Furthermore, it is concerned with:...

Types of Data Flow Testing:

Testing for All-Du-Paths: It Focuses on ā€œAll Definition-Use Paths. All-Du-Paths is an acronym for ā€œAll Definition-Use Paths.ā€ Using this technique, every possible path from a variableā€™s definition to every usage point is tested. All-Du-Path Predicate Node Testing: This technique focuses on predicate nodes, or decision points, in the control flow graph. All-Uses Testing: This type of testing checks every place a variable is used in the application. All-Defs Testing: This type of testing examines every place a variable is specified within the applicationā€™s code. Testing for All-P-Uses: All-P-Uses stands for ā€œAll Possible Uses.ā€ Using this method, every potential use of a variable is tested. All-C-Uses Test: It stands for ā€œAll Computation Uses.ā€ Testing every possible path where a variable is used in calculations or computations is the main goal of this technique. Testing for All-I-Uses: All-I-Uses stands for ā€œAll Input Uses.ā€ With this method, every path that uses a variable obtained from outside inputs is tested. Testing for All-O-Uses: It stands for ā€œAll Output Uses.ā€ Using this method, every path where a variable has been used to produce output must be tested. Testing of Definition-Use Pairs: It concentrates on particular pairs of definitions and uses for variables. Testing of Use-Definition Paths: This type of testing examines the routes that lead from a variableā€™s point of use to its definition....

Advantages of Data Flow Testing:

Data Flow Testing is used to find the following issues-...

Disadvantages of Data Flow Testing

Time consuming and costly process Requires knowledge of programming languages...

Control flow graph of above example:


Define/use of variables of above example:

Variable Defined at node Used at node x 1 2, 3 y 1 2, 4 a 3, 4 5...

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