Decomposition of Ammonium Carbonate

Ammonium Carbonate has the capability to decompose into ammonium bicarbonate and ammonia.

(NH4)2CO3 → NH4HCO3 + NH3.

It further decomposes into carbon dioxide, water, and some other molecules of ammonia.

NH4HCO3 → H2O + CO2+ NH3.

Ammonium Carbonate Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Ammonium Carbonate contains both Ammonia (NH3) and Carbonate (CO3) ions. Ammonium ion contains both Nitrogen (N) and Hydrogen (H) atoms. Nitrogen (N) is a non-metal with atomic number 7 in its periodic table. Hydrogen (H) is a chemical element that has atomic number 1 in the periodic table. Carbonate ion contained both Carbon (C) and Oxygen (O) atoms in it. Carbon (C) is a chemical element, and the atomic number is 6 in the periodic table Oxygen (O) is the chemical element with an atomic number 8 in the periodic table. 

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