Decimal to Binary Formula

A decimal number can be converted into a binary number by dividing the given number by 2 continuously till we get the quotient as 1 and write the numbers from downwards to upwards.

Example: Convert the decimal number (39)10 into binary.


To convert the (39)10 into a binary number, we have to divide 39 continuously by 2 until we obtain the quotient of 1.

Thus, (39)10 in the binary number system is (100111)2.

Decimal and Binary Equvilanet Table

Table that lists the decimal numbers from 1 to 10 and their binary equivalents is added below:

Decimal Binary
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001
10 1010

Binary Formula

Binary formulas are formulas that are used to convert binary numbers to other number systems. A binary number system is a system of numbers that has a base of 2 and uses only two digits, “0 and 1”. It is one of the four types of number systems and is most commonly employed by computer languages like Java and C++. “Bi” in the word “binary” stands for “two.” Some examples of binary numbers are (11)2, (1110)2, (10101)2, and so on.

In this article, we discuss the arithmetic operations of binary numbers and the conversion formulae to convert binary numbers into other three-number systems.

Table of Content

  • Binary Formula
  • Arithmetic Operation on Binary Numbers
  • Binary to Decimal Formula
  • Decimal to Binary Formula
  • Binary to Octal Formula
  • Binary to Hexadecimal Formula

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