Data Restoration

In MongoDB, mongorestore utility is used to restore the backup data. It restores the binary backup created by mongodump utility(i.e., BSON data dumps). It can restore either an entire database backup or a subset of the backup. It also restores the indexes which are created for any collection inside that database. By default, mongorestore looks for a database backup in mongodb’s bin\dump folder which is also the default folder for mongodump command for dumping the backup.

To restore all the database use –

mongorestore dump

To restore a specific collection use-

mongorestore  –db databaseName –collection collectionName directory\collectionName.bson


In this example, we are using a database w3wiki which has 4 collections. We are firstly going to make a backup of student collection and then drop the student collection and then restore the student collection.

To make backup we use –

mongodump --db w3wiki --collection students --out c:\GFGbackup 

The backup will be stored in c:\GFGbackup folder

Now we will drop students collection by using-


Now we will restore student collection by using –

mongorestore –db w3wiki –collection students c:\GFGbackup\w3wiki\students.bson  

MongoDB – Backup and Restoration

Data backup is one of the most highly required processes for any database management system as data can be lost or get corrupted to overcome these drawbacks we need database backup. Database backup is a copy of a database that already exists. In MongoDB, mongodump tool is used to take the data backup. And mongorestore tool is used to restore the backup data. 

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Data Backup

In MongoDB, mongodump tool is used to take the data backup. It simply dumps all the data stored into a dump directory of MongoDB. Backed-up data is in BSON format also known as BSON data dumps. By default, the backup is stored in mongodb’s bin\dump folder to specify a different output directory we can use the –out option. Mongodump is used in two ways with or without argument....

Data Restoration

In MongoDB, mongorestore utility is used to restore the backup data. It restores the binary backup created by mongodump utility(i.e., BSON data dumps). It can restore either an entire database backup or a subset of the backup. It also restores the indexes which are created for any collection inside that database. By default, mongorestore looks for a database backup in mongodb’s bin\dump folder which is also the default folder for mongodump command for dumping the backup....

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