Data Processing Terms

Here are the major terms related to the data processing as mentioned below.

  • Mean: It is the value that adds all values together in a place by dividing the observation numbers.
  • Median: It is a term that denotes a point. A median is a bounded and organized series that can be divided into two different halves. The median is always dependent on the actual value.
  • The Mode: The mode is a common value in the whole data that can be found in the whole datasheet.
  • Dispersion: Dispersion is a central tendency. It is a metric value that determines how the individual items fluctuate and are scattered around the average value.
  • The Range: It is a major gap between the biggest and lowest values in a data distribution process. It particularly highlights the major distance between the high and low scores in a data pool.
  • Quartile Deviation: Quartile Deviation particularly measures the absolute dispersion. It works in a broad range by ignoring the tail observation. It helps to compute the data in a matrix as a deviation.
  • Mean Deviation: Mean Deviation is an average value that evaluates the absolute differences between the data set and its mean value. The Mean Deviation can be affected by so many factors like arithmetic medium, the process of median, and the working modes.
  • Standard Deviation: Standard Deviation is a process that is a form of metric dispersion. It is a square root of the average which helps to measure the percentage of the mean.

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