Customization in HTML Heading Tags

The default size of HTML headings can be changed, using the style attribute.

Example: In this example explains the HTML heading tags by specifying the size of the font.

<!DOCTYPE html>


    <h1>H1 Heading</h1>

    <!-- With the help of Style attribute you can customize
           the size of the heading, As done below-->

    <h1 style="font-size: 50px">H1 with new size.</h1>

    <!-- Here font-size is the property by which  we can 
           modify the heading. Here we kept it 50px i.e. 50 pixels -->




HTML Headings Example Output

HTML Headings

HTML headings, from <h1> to <h6>, indicate content hierarchy and importance. Search engines use them for indexing. Users navigate by headings. Employ <h1> for main titles, <h2> for subsections, and progressively lower levels for less important content to maintain structure and readability.

HTML provides six levels of heading elements, ranging from <h1> (highest level) to <h6> (lowest level).

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Customization in HTML Heading Tags

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