Custom Implementation of Two-Way Data Binding with Getters and Setters

This implementation involves writing your own JavaScript functions to manage the data binding logic. Here’s a breakdown of the steps:

  • Define a Data Object (State): This object holds the data you want to bind to the UI element.
  • Access UI Element: Use document.getElementById to retrieve the HTML element you want to bind (e.g., the input field).
  • Model Function: Create a function that takes the data object (state) and the UI element as arguments.
    • This function sets the initial value of the UI element based on the state’s value.
    • It attaches an event listener to the UI element for user interaction (e.g., “input” event for a text field).
  • Event Listener: When the user interacts with the UI element (e.g., types in the input field), the event listener function executes.
    • This function updates the state’s value with the new value from the UI element.
  • Getters and Setters: Use Object.defineProperty to define getters and setters for the state’s property (e.g., value).
    • The setter function updates both the internal state value and the UI element’s value, achieving two-way binding.
    • The getter function returns the current state value

Example: Custom Implementation of Two-Way Data Binding with Getters and Setters.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Custom Two-Way Data Binding</title>

    <h1>Two-Way Data Binding</h1>
    <input type="text" id="myInput">
    <p>Current Value: <span id="currentValue"></span></p>

        // Data model
        const state = { value: 'Initial Value' };
        const inputElement = document
        const currentValueSpan = document

        function model(state, element) {
            element.value = state.value;

            element.addEventListener('input', () => {
                state.value = element.value;
                currentValueSpan.textContent = state.value;
                // Update displayed value

            Object.defineProperty(state, 'value', {
                set(newValue) {
                    state._value = newValue;
                    element.value = newValue;
                get() {
                    return state._value;

        model(state, inputElement);



Two way binding with getter and setter

Two Way Data Binding in javascript

In web development, keeping the user interface (UI) and the underlying data model in sync is crucial for a seamless user experience. Two-way data binding is a technique that automates this synchronization, reducing boilerplate code and simplifying development.

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