Custom Callbacks

While the built-in callbacks are very useful, there are times when you need more control. This is where custom callbacks come in handy. You can create a custom callback by subclassing tf.keras.callbacks.Callback and overriding any of the following methods:

  • on_epoch_begin
  • on_epoch_end
  • on_batch_begin
  • on_batch_end
  • on_train_begin
  • on_train_end

tf.keras.callbacks.Callback | Tensorflow Callbacks

TensorFlow Callbacks are a powerful tool for enhancing the training process of neural networks. These callbacks provide the ability to monitor and modify the behavior of the model during training, evaluation, or inference. In this article, we will explore what callbacks are, how to implement them, and some common types of callbacks provided by TensorFlow.

Table of Content

  • What are TensorFlow Callbacks?
  • Common TensorFlow Callbacks
  • Custom Callbacks
  • Effective Training with TensorFlow Callbacks
  • Conclusion

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