Cube of Fractions

A cube of any number is defined as the product of itself three times or the number raised to the third power. For fractions, cubes can be calculated by individually calculating the cubes of the numerator and denominator in the fraction. For example, a cube of (3/2) is simply 33/23 = 27/8 [As the cube of 3 is 27 and the cube of 2 is 8]. Some more examples of cubes of fractions are as follows:

  • Cube of (-1/3) = -1/27
  • Cube of (4/5) = 64/125
  • Cube of (7/5) = 343/125

Cubes and Cube Roots

Cube is a number which we get after multiplying a number 3 times by itself. For example, 125 will be the cube of 5. While, cube root of a number is that number which is multiplied 3 times to get the original number. For example, the cube root of 125 is 5 as if we multiply 5 three times will be 125.

Cube and Cube Roots are fundamental concepts in algebra. The multiplication of a number to itself gives rise to a square and then if we multiply the number by its square the result becomes a cube and the inverse of the cube is the cube root which we will study in this article.

Cubes and Cube Roots

In this article, we will learn about cubes and cube roots and also learn about the methods to find both cubes of a number and cube roots of a number.

Table of Content

  • What are Cubes and Cube Roots?
  • What is Cube?
  • Cubes 1 to 20
  • Properties of Cube of Numbers
  • Representation of Cube Numbers
  • Cube of Negative Numbers
  • Cube of Fractions
  • Unit Digits in Cube Numbers
  • Perfect Cubes
  • What is Cube Root?
    • Symbol of Cube Root
  • Cube Root Formula
  • How to Find Cube Root of a Number?
    • By Prime Factorization
  • Cube Root of a Cube Number using Estimation
    • Hardy-Ramanujan Numbers
  • Cube and Cube Roots Class 8 Worksheet

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