Creating a table using SQLAlchemy in PostgreSQL

  • Import necessary functions from SQLAlchemy package.
  • Establish connection with the PostgreSQL database using create_engine() function as shown below
  • Create a table called book_publisher with columns publisher_id, publisher_name, and publisher_estd
  • Insert record into the tables using insert() and values() function as shown.

Syntax: engine = create_engine(dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database_name)


  • dialect – Name of the DBMS. The dialect is the system SQLAlchemy uses to communicate with various types of DBAPIs and databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL, etc.
  • driver – Name of the DB API that moves information between SQLAlchemy and the database.
  • Username – Name of the admin
  • Password – Password of the admin
  • host – Name of the host in which the database is hosted
  • port – port number through which the database can be accessed
  • database_name– Name of the database

Select NULL Values in SQLAlchemy

In this article, we will see how to select NULL values into a PostgreSQL database using SQLAlchemy in Python.

For demonstration purposes first, let us create a sample table using SQLAlchemy in PostgreSQL as shown below

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Creating a table using SQLAlchemy in PostgreSQL:

Import necessary functions from SQLAlchemy package. Establish connection with the PostgreSQL database using create_engine() function as shown below Create a table called book_publisher with columns publisher_id, publisher_name, and publisher_estd Insert record into the tables using insert() and values() function as shown....

Creating table for demonstration:

Python3 # import necessary packages from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData,/ Table, Column, Integer, String   # establish connection engine = create_engine(     "postgresql+psycopg2://\     postgres:Saibaba97%40@")   # store engine objects meta = MetaData()   # create a table book_publisher = Table(     'book_publisher', meta,     Column('publisherId', Integer, primary_key=True),     Column('publisherName', String),     Column('publisherEstd', Integer), ) # use create_all() function to create a # table using objects stored in meta. meta.create_all(engine)   # insert values statement1 = book_publisher.insert().values(     publisherId=1, publisherName="Oxford", publisherEstd=1900)   statement2 = book_publisher.insert().values(     publisherId=2, publisherName='Stanford', publisherEstd=1910)   statement3 = book_publisher.insert().values(     publisherId=3, publisherName="MIT", publisherEstd=1920)   statement4 = book_publisher.insert().values(     publisherId=4, publisherName="Springer", publisherEstd=1930)   statement5 = book_publisher.insert().values(     publisherId=5, publisherName="Packt", publisherEstd=1940)   statement6 = book_publisher.insert().values(     publisherId=6, publisherName=None, publisherEstd=None)   engine.execute(statement1) engine.execute(statement2) engine.execute(statement3) engine.execute(statement4) engine.execute(statement5) engine.execute(statement6)...

Selecting NULL values using SQLAlchemy in PostgreSQL


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