Creating a Reddit App

Step 1: To extract data from Reddit, we need to create a Reddit app. You can create a new Reddit app(

Reddit – Create an App

Step 2: Click on “are you a developer? create an app…”.

Step 3: A form like this will show up on your screen. Enter the name and description of your choice. In the redirect uri box, enter http://localhost:8080

App Form

Step 4: After entering the details, click on “create app”.

Developed Application

The Reddit app has been created. Now, we can use python and praw to scrape data from Reddit. Note down the client_id, secret, and user_agent values. These values will be used to connect to Reddit using python.

Scraping Reddit using Python

In this article, we are going to see how to scrape Reddit using Python, here we will be using python’s PRAW (Python Reddit API Wrapper) module to scrape the data. Praw is an acronym Python Reddit API wrapper, it allows Reddit API through Python scripts.

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Creating a Reddit App

Step 1: To extract data from Reddit, we need to create a Reddit app. You can create a new Reddit app(

Creating a PRAW Instance

In order to connect to Reddit, we need to create a praw instance. There are 2 types of praw instances:...

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