Creating a Favicon in Figma?

Step 1: Set Up Your Figma File

Open Figma: Start by opening Figma and creating a new file.

Frame Setup: Create a frame that is 32×32 pixels, as this is the standard size for favicons. You can also create sizes (16×16, 48×48) if needed for various platforms.

  • To create a frame, press `F` to select the frame tool, then click and drag or input the size directly in the properties panel.

Creating a frame

Step 2: Design Your Icon

Keep It Simple: Since a favicon is very small, simplicity is key. Use basic shapes and minimal details.

Use Vector Shapes: Create your icon using vector shapes to ensure it scales well.

  • Use the `Rectangle`, `Ellipse`, `Line`, and `Pen` tools to create your design.
  • In this case make a Ellipse (press O) and dimensions (w=15, h=16).

    Create Eclipse

Step 3: Style Your Icon

Colors: Choose colors that are consistent with your brand. Ensure good contrast to make the icon stand out.

  • Select your shapes/text and use the fill and stroke options in the properties panel to apply colors.
  • Stroke fill color=2C8C44.

Outline: If your icon benefits from an outline, add a stroke to make it more distinct.

  • Use the stroke settings in the properties panel to adjust the thickness and color.
  • Make stroke in the shape with thickness = 3 .

Reshape the ellipse

Adjusting the shape: This will help in obtaining the desired shape.

  • See the image attached and change the values as given in image.

Adjustment in the shape

Modifying the shape: To make the G of “w3wiki” logo.

Make a rectangle of w=12 and h=2 color=2C8C44 and adjust on the ellipse shape accordingly.


Align the figure

Select the whole shape and right click then select group selection.

Group the shape

Then press alt and drag frame of G created you will get the copy of the shape.

Then right click on the image and flip it horizontally.

flipping one shape

Align both the shapes on white frame.

Aligning both the shapes

Step 4: Export Your Icon

Select the Frame: Click on the frame you created for your favicon.

Export Settings: Go to the export section in the properties panel and set the export format to PNG. Add multiple sizes if needed (e.g., 32×32, 48×48).

  • Click the “+” icon in the export section to add different sizes.

Export the Favicon: Click the “Export” button and save your favicon to your computer.

exporting the favicon

How to Design Favicon in Figma?

Designing a favicon in Figma is a straightforward process that involves creating a small, recognizable icon that represents your website or brand.

We will be creating the following favicon using figma:

GFG Favicon

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Creating a Favicon in Figma?

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