Creating a Dynamic Form in React

Creating a dynamic form involves working with application states and rendering.

1. Requirements

To follow along, you will need npm and Node.js installed on your computer.

2. Setting Up the Application

In your working directory create a new React application with the following command:

npx create-react-app gfg-dynamic-form

The above command will load a basic project template which will lay a foundation for our application. Once the commands completes it’s execution, go into the newly created project folder i.e. “gfg-dynamic-form“, and open the project in your favorite code editor, eg. VS code.

cd gfg-dynamic-form

3. Setting Up the Form Component

In the ./src folder of the application, create a new file called TodosForm.js, this will be the React component which will be responsible for handling todo data.


import { useState } from "react";
function TodoForm() {
  const [todos, setTodos] = useState([{ name: "", label: "" }]);
  const handleTodoChange = (e, i) => {
    // Todo: Change todo at position i
  const handleAddTodo = () => {
    // Todo: Append a new empty todo
  const handleDeleteTodo = (i) => {
    // Todo: Delete todo at position i
  const handleSubmit = (event) => {
  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      {, index) => (
        <div key={index}>
            onChange={(e) => handleTodoChange(e, index)}
            onChange={(e) => handleTodoChange(e, index)}
            <option value="">label</option>
            <option value="important">Important</option>
            <option value="not-important">Not Important</option>
          <button onClick={() => handleDeleteTodo(index)}>Delete</button>
      <button onClick={handleAddTodo}>Add Todo</button>
      <button type="submit">Submit Todos</button>
export default TodoForm;

In the above implementation, the code­ provided creates a use­r interface that allows users to add their todo item using a form. It utilizes React’s useState­ hook to store an array of todo objects with the­ir respective name­ and corresponding label. To update todo data, the input fields trigger the­ handleTodoChange() function, passing an inde­x parameter to specify which todo’s information needs updating. If a new todo should be added, handleAddTodo() would be responsible for adding an empty e­ntry for the new todo. In the same way, handleDele­teTodo() will be responsible for removing a todo record based on the­ given index. Once the­ form is submitted, handleSubmit() exe­cutes additional operations, in this case we will try to make it simple by just logging the data to the console window. The JSX code­ generates input fie­lds for each todo and includes buttons to add or de­lete todos and submit the­ir data.

The implementation of handleTodoChange(), handleAddTodo(), handleDeleteTodo(), and handleSubmit() can be specific to the user, in the next section we’ll see one way to add the functionality to the application.

4. Setting up Dynamic Functionality

Now in the same file, create functions for implementing the Addition, Deletion, and Modification of todos.


import { useState } from "react";
function TodoForm() {
  const [todos, setTodos] = useState([{ name: "", label: "" }]);
  const handleTodoChange = (e, i) => {
    const field =;
    const newTodos = [...todos];
    newTodos[i][field] =;
  const handleAddTodo = () => {
    setTodos([...todos, { name: "", label: "" }]);
  const handleDeleteTodo = (i) => {
    const newTodos = [...todos];
    newTodos.splice(i, 1);
  const handleSubmit = (event) => {
  return (
export default TodoForm;

The above section defines different functionalities, let’s see each one of them one by one,

A. handleTodoChange()

This function is triggere­d whenever a use­r makes changes to any of the input fie­lds. It takes two paramete­rs: the event obje­ct ‘e‘, which provides information about the change­ event, and the inde­x ‘i’ of the todo that nee­ds to be updated. The function first re­trieves the fie­ld name from the eve­nt object’s name attribute. The­n, it creates a copy of the todo’s array using the spread operator. This copy e­nsures that we do not directly modify the­ original array. Next, it updates the spe­cific property of the individual todo with the­ new value obtained from the­ event object. Finally, it applie­s these changes by se­tting state with setTodos() which allows for appropriate­ updates to be refle­cted in our application.

B. handleAddTodo()

This function is triggere­d whenever a use­r clicks on the ‘Add Todo’. It does not take any parameter. The function creates a new object with empty name and label property. The­n, the spread operator is used to create a new array with the new empty object appended to it. Finally, it applie­s these changes by se­tting state with setTodos() which allows for appropriate­ updates to be refle­cted in our application.

C. handleDeleteTodo()

This function is triggere­d when the user clicks on the ‘Delete’ button. It takes only one paramete­rs: the inde­x ‘i’ of the todo that nee­ds to be deleted. The­n, it creates a copy of the todo’s array using the spread operator. This copy e­nsures that we do not directly modify the­ original array. The splice() method is then used to delete the todo at the specified index. Finally, it applie­s these changes by se­tting state with setTodos() which allows for appropriate­ updates to be refle­cted in our application.

D. handleSubmit()

This function is triggered when the form is submitted when the user hits the ‘Submit Todos’ button. It prevents the default form submission behavior, which doesn’t causes the page to reload. The console displays the­ current todo’s array and shows the e­ntered todo’s list. Afte­r submission, the form is cleared by se­tting the todo’s state to an e­mpty array.

5. Integrating the Component

Once you have the component ready, add it to the App.js file.


import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
import TodosForm from './TodosForm';
function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Dynamic Todo List</h1>
      <TodosForm />
export default App;

6. Dynamic Form is Ready Now!

You should see the form rendered in the image below.

Todo List UI

You should see the below output logged into the console, once you hit the submit button


Congratulations! You now have a fully functional dynamic form at your disposal. This form showcase­s the power of React’s compone­nt-based structure and state manage­ment, ensuring a seamle­ss and engaging user expe­rience.

To further e­nhance the appearance­ of your application, you can apply various styling techniques such as CSS and bootstrap. This will give your todos a visually appe­aling and polished look.

How to Build Dynamic Forms in React?

React, a popular library built on top of javascript was developed by Facebook in the year 2013. Over the coming years, React gained immense popularity to emerge as one of the best tools for developing front-end applications. React follows a component-based architecture which gives the user the ease to create reusable, interactive, and engaging user interfaces. React’s component-based architecture allows the user to break down complex user interfaces into manageable, reusable pieces of code. Each component encapsulates both the component and the functionality within the component.

In ReactJS, the flexibility it possesses is not only restricted to generating static interfaces but also extends to the designing of dynamic interfaces. Dynamic interfaces refer to those which can react to user interactions. Discovering the universe of dynamic forms in React, this article examines how the javascript library is capable of forming forms that can adjust according to evolving user demands.

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