Creating a Custom Optimizer

In PyTorch, creating a custom optimizer is a two-step process. First, we need to create a class that inherits from the torch.optim.Optimizer class, and override the following methods:

  • __init__(self, params): This method is used to initialize the optimizer and store the model parameters in the params attribute.
  • step(): This method is used to perform a single optimization step. It should update the model parameters based on the current gradients.
  • zero_grad(): This method is used to set the gradients of all parameters to zero.

Init Method:

The init method is used to initialize the optimizer’s internal state. In this method, we define the hyperparameters of the optimizer and set the internal state. For example, let’s say we want to create a custom optimizer that implements the Momentum optimization algorithm. The init method for this optimizer would look something like this:

In the below example, we define the hyperparameters of the optimizer to be the learning rate lr and the momentum. We then call the super() method to initialize the internal state of the optimizer. We also set up a state dictionary that we will use to store the velocity vector for each parameter.


# Import the necessary libraries
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
# MomentumOptimizer
class MomentumOptimizer(torch.optim.Optimizer):
    # Init Method:
    def __init__(self, params, lr=1e-3, momentum=0.9):
        super(MomentumOptimizer, self).__init__(params, defaults={'lr': lr})
        self.momentum = momentum
        self.state = dict()
        for group in self.param_groups:
            for p in group['params']:
                self.state[p] = dict(mom=torch.zeros_like(
    # Step Method
    def step(self):
        for group in self.param_groups:
            for p in group['params']:
                if p not in self.state:
                    self.state[p] = dict(mom=torch.zeros_like(
                mom = self.state[p]['mom']
                mom = self.momentum * mom - group['lr'] *
       += mom

The Step Method:

The step method is used to update the parameters of the model. This method takes no arguments and updates the internal state and the model parameters. In the case of our MomentumOptimizer, the step method would look something like this:

In the above example, we iterate over all the parameters in the model and check if they are in the state dictionary. If they are not, we add them to the state dictionary with an initial velocity vector of zero. We then calculate the new velocity vector using the momentum and the learning rate and update the parameter’s value using this velocity vector.

Using the custom optimizer is similar to using the built-in optimizers, in that we instantiate it and pass in the model’s parameters and the hyperparameters.

Custom Optimizers in Pytorch

In PyTorch, an optimizer is a specific implementation of the optimization algorithm that is used to update the parameters of a neural network. The optimizer updates the parameters in such a way that the loss of the neural network is minimized. PyTorch provides various built-in optimizers such as SGD, Adam, Adagrad, etc. that can be used out of the box. However, in some cases, the built-in optimizers may not be suitable for a particular problem or may not perform well. In such cases, one can create their own custom optimizer.

A custom optimizer in PyTorch is a class that inherits from the torch.optim.Optimizer base class. The custom optimizer should implement the init and step methods. The init method is used to initialize the optimizer’s internal state, and the step method is used to update the parameters of the model.

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