Covariance and Correlation For data frame

We cancalculate the covariance and correlation for all columns in data frame.


# remove Species column
# calculate corelation
# calculate covariance



> cor(data)
             Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
Sepal.Length    1.0000000  -0.1175698    0.8717538   0.8179411
Sepal.Width    -0.1175698   1.0000000   -0.4284401  -0.3661259
Petal.Length    0.8717538  -0.4284401    1.0000000   0.9628654
Petal.Width     0.8179411  -0.3661259    0.9628654   1.0000000

> cov(data)
             Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
Sepal.Length    0.6856935  -0.0424340    1.2743154   0.5162707
Sepal.Width    -0.0424340   0.1899794   -0.3296564  -0.1216394
Petal.Length    1.2743154  -0.3296564    3.1162779   1.2956094
Petal.Width     0.5162707  -0.1216394    1.2956094   0.5810063

Covariance and Correlation in R Programming

Covariance and Correlation are terms used in statistics to measure relationships between two random variables. Both of these terms measure linear dependency between a pair of random variables or bivariate data. They both capture a different component of the relationship, despite the fact that they both provide information about the link between variables. Let’s investigate the theory underlying correlation and covariance:

We can discuss some of the main difference between them as below:In this article, we are going to discuss cov(), cor() and cov2cor() functions in R which use covariance and correlation methods of statistics and probability theory.

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