The COUNT() function returns the total number of rows that match our given conditions. It is one of the aggerate functions in SQL which provides a powerful mechanism for performing conditional logic and allows you to perform calculations on groups of rows, making them essential for obtaining counts.


SELECT COUNT(column_name)

FROM table_name

WHERE condition;


FROM table_name;

Here (*) with COUNT returns all the count of rows from the table.

SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN condition THEN column_name END)

FROM table_name;

This syntax is used when we want to count the rows with specified condition is true within the specified column, this is mainly used to get multiple counts.

How to Get Multiple Counts With One SQL Query?

In database management efficiency is key. SQL operations from data retrieval to manipulation, need to be optimized to ensure smooth processing. One common requirement is the need to obtain multiple counts from the table based on different conditions. While it’s logical to execute separate queries, SQL provides a more elegant solution of obtaining multiple counts with just one query which ensures Faster Development, Improved Performance, Better Query Optimization, and many more such advantages.

This article explores techniques for obtaining multiple counts with a single SQL query, offering insights into data retrieval processes and improving overall performance.

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