Context and Patterns

My internship search began ambitiously with an application to Google for their STEP Intern program as a Software Development Engineer (SDE). Despite my high hopes, I faced rejection. Undeterred, I applied again for Google’s summer internship, but the outcome was the same. Continuing my quest, I applied for the SDE role at Flipkart Runway, followed by applications to various startups and platforms like Founder App and Indeed for backend intern roles. Additionally, I utilized various job search platforms to explore and apply for multiple internship opportunities across different companies and industries.

My Career Journey through Internship Rejection History

Facing rejection is an inevitable part of the journey toward achieving one’s career goals, and my experience with internship rejections has been no exception. While initially disheartening, each rejection has provided valuable insights and opportunities for growth.

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Context and Patterns :

My internship search began ambitiously with an application to Google for their STEP Intern program as a Software Development Engineer (SDE). Despite my high hopes, I faced rejection. Undeterred, I applied again for Google’s summer internship, but the outcome was the same. Continuing my quest, I applied for the SDE role at Flipkart Runway, followed by applications to various startups and platforms like Founder App and Indeed for backend intern roles. Additionally, I utilized various job search platforms to explore and apply for multiple internship opportunities across different companies and industries....

Responses and Reactions :

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As a Result :

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Adapting to Summer Without an Internship :

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