Configuring the Bootstrap 5

Before we dive into creating counter sections, make sure you have Bootstrap 5 integrated into your project. You can do this by including Bootstrap’s CSS and JavaScript files in your HTML document. You can either download Bootstrap locally or use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for quicker integration.

How to make counter section one by one in Bootstrap 5 ?

Counter-sections are often used on websites to highlight important statistics or achievements. They are effective in capturing the attention of visitors and conveying information in a visually pleasing manner. Bootstrap 5 provides classes and components that make it easy to create these sections.

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Configuring the Bootstrap 5

Before we dive into creating counter sections, make sure you have Bootstrap 5 integrated into your project. You can do this by including Bootstrap’s CSS and JavaScript files in your HTML document. You can either download Bootstrap locally or use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for quicker integration....


Creating the basic structure of the Counter Section: Various HTML tags are employed to establish the foundational structure of the project.

: Used for grouping and structuring content.



, etc: Headings for different sections or titles.

: For paragraphs and text content. Styling the Counter Section: Bootstrap provides a range of classes for styling counter sections. Utilize classes like bg-primary, text-light, rounded, and p-3 to customize the background color, text color, and padding of the counter cards. Experiment with these classes to achieve the desired visual appearance for your website. Adding functionality to the Counter Section using JavaScript: Select Counters: Use document.querySelectorAll(‘.counter’) to select all elements with the class “counter.” Get Target Values: Extract the target value from the “data-target” attribute for each counter using parseInt(counter.getAttribute(‘data-target’)). Set Duration and Speed: Define animation duration and calculate a “step” value to control animation speed. Initialize Variables: Initialize the current variable to 0. Update Counter: Create updateCounter to increment the current value, update the counter’s text, and request the next animation frame. Delay Counters: Use setTimeout with a delay of index * 1000 to ensure sequential counting. Start Animation: Call animateCounters() on page load....

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