Condition of Refraction of Sound

The temperature of the medium has an impact on the speed of sound in the air, with the wave travelling more quickly at warmer temperatures and more slowly at cooler ones. The direction of propagation of sound waves varies when portions of the wave are in layers of a medium that are at different temperatures and, as a result, are moving at different speeds. This results in the refraction of sound waves.


Refraction of Sound

A sound is a vibration that travels as a mechanical wave across a medium. It can spread via a solid, a liquid, or a gas as the medium. In solids, sound travels the quickest, comparatively more slowly in liquids, and the slowest in gases.

A sound wave is a pattern of disturbance caused by energy travelling away from the sound source. The constituents of sound are longitudinal waves. This demonstrates that vibrational particle propagation and the direction of energy wave propagation are parallel. When made to vibrate, atoms begin to oscillate. This continuous back-and-forth motion results in the formation of a high-pressure and a low-pressure zone in the medium. 

These high- and low-pressure zones are called compressions and rarefactions, respectively. As a result of these locations transmitting to the surrounding media, the sound waves go from one to the other.

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Condition of Refraction of Sound

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Question 1: What is meant by Refraction of Sound?...

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