Concept of Composition

Composition is a type of Aggregation in which two entities are extremely reliant on one another.

  • It indicates a relationship component.
  • Both entities are dependent on each other in composition.
  • The composed object cannot exist without the other entity when there is a composition between two entities.


# Code to demonstrate Composition
# Class Salary in which we are
# declaring a public method annual salary
class Salary:
    def __init__(self, pay, bonus): = pay
        self.bonus = bonus
    def annual_salary(self):
        return (*12)+self.bonus
# Class EmployeeOne which does not 
# inherit the class Salary yet we will
# use the method annual salary using
# Composition
class EmployeeOne:
    def __init__(self, name, age, pay, bonus): = name
        self.age = age
        # Making an object in which we are
        # calling the Salary class
        # with proper arguments.
        self.obj_salary = Salary(pay, bonus)  # composition
    # Method which calculates the total salary
    # with the help of annual_salary() method
    # declared in the Salary class
    def total_sal(self):
        return self.obj_salary.annual_salary()
# Making an object of the class EmployeeOne
# and providing necessary arguments
emp = EmployeeOne('Geek', 25, 10000, 1500)
# calling the total_sal method using 
# the emp object



Now as we can see in the above code we have successfully called the method of a completely different class inside another class that does not inherit the class using the concept of Composition. 

Python OOPS – Aggregation and Composition

In this article, we will compare and highlight the features of aggregation and Composition in Python OOPS.


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