Components and Architecture

Components and Architecture

YARN’s architecture comprises three main components:

  1. ResourceManager (RM): Acts as the master daemon, managing and allocating cluster resources. It comprises two main parts:
    • Scheduler: Allocates resources based on application requirements and policies.
    • ApplicationManager: Manages job submissions and coordinates with NodeManagers.
  2. NodeManager: It is an application that is executed in the data nodes to coordinate the running of containers.
  3. ApplicationMaster (AM): This is the component that is tasked with negotiating with the ResourceManager and either the NodeManager(s) to launch and monitor the tasks. It has a data computation framework provided by the ResourceManager and a per-node slave NodeManager. The ApplicationMaster is included in the application framework package.

Explain the role of YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) in Hadoop.

Hadoop is a Java-based framework that is developed in the Apache software environment for storing and processing very large and complex data using the MapReduce technique. YARN or Yet Another Resource Negotiator is one of the components of Hadoop which provides an interface for multiple data processing engines to interact with Hadoop by introducing a separation between resource management and job scheduling/monitoring.

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