Common Design Patterns Used in System Design

Design patterns are widely used in system design to address common design problems and improve the architecture, scalability, and maintainability of software systems. Here are some common design patterns used in system design:

  • Singleton Pattern:
    • Makes sure a class has a single instance and offers a worldwide point of access to it. Configuration managers, logging systems, database connection pools.
  • Factory Method Pattern:
    • Provides a defined interface for object creation, but lets subclasses modify the kind of object that gets created. Object creation where the concrete subclass needs to be determined at runtime, dependency injection.
  • Abstract Factory Pattern:
    • Gives users the option to create families of objects that are dependent on one another or related without having to specify the specific classes they belong to. Creating related objects with a common theme or purpose, such as GUI components.
  • Builder Pattern:
    • Allows for the creation of multiple representations using the same construction process by separating the construction of a complex object from its representation. Creating complex objects with many optional parameters, such as HTML or XML builders.
  • Prototype Pattern:
    • specifies the types of objects to be created, using a prototype instance, and copies this prototype to create new objects. Object creation where cloning an existing instance is more efficient than creating a new one from scratch, such as thread-safe object instantiation.
  • Adapter Pattern:
    • Enables the coexistence of incompatible interfaces by enclosing an interface within an already-existing class. Integrating legacy systems or third-party libraries with different interfaces into a new system.
  • Composite Pattern:
    • Constructs tree structures from objects to depict part-whole hierarchies, enabling clients to handle individual objects and compositions consistently. Representing hierarchical structures like file systems or GUI components.
  • Observer Pattern:
    • Defines a one-to-many dependency between objects, allowing all of its dependents to be automatically updated and informed when one object changes state. Event handling, UI components reacting to changes in underlying data, publisher-subscriber systems.

What is the Correlation Between System Design and Design Patterns?

System design and design patterns are closely related concepts in software engineering, with design patterns serving as reusable solutions to common design problems encountered during system design. System design and design patterns are interrelated concepts that work together to create robust and well-structured software systems.

Important Topics for correlation between system design and design patterns

  • What is System Design?
  • What are Design Patterns?
  • Fundamentals of System Design
  • Fundamentals of Design Patterns
  • Correlation Between System Design and Design Patterns
  • Common Design Patterns Used in System Design
  • Issues Encountered When Implementing Design Patterns in System Design

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