Commands and Syntax of Redis Pipelining

With Redis pipelining, it is as easy as firing off a sequence of commands in succession without waiting for responses. Here’s a basic outline of how it works:

  • First, it starts the TP transaction.
  • Redis commands are sent one after the other.
  • Finally, execute ‘EXEC’ for all queued transactions.
  • Command sent, and received responses in return.

Here is an example sequence in Python using the popular `redis-py` library:

In our instance:

  • We start with pipe = r.pipeline()
  • Chain two commands (SET and GET)
  • Then execute the pipeline through pipe.execute().
  • The we can decode and interpret these responses.

Below is the implementation of the example:


import redis
# Connect to Redis server
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379)
# Start a pipeline
pipe = r.pipeline()
# Queue multiple commands
pipe.set('name', 'Alice')
# Execute the pipeline
responses = pipe.execute()
# Retrieve responses
name = responses[1].decode('utf-8')
print(f"Name: {name}")


Name: Alice

Explanation of the output:

  • The SET command sets the key ‘name’ with the value ‘Alice’.
  • The GET command retrieves the value associated with the key ‘name’.
  • The pipeline is executed with pipe.execute(), which sends both commands to the Redis server.
  • The responses are stored in the responses list.
  • The value retrieved from the GET command is decoded as a UTF-8 string and stored in the variable name.
  • Finally, it prints the name, which should be “Alice” based on the input provided.

Redis Pipelining Commands

Here are some commonly used Redis Pipelining commands along with their explanations, syntax, and examples:

1. MULTI: Begins a transaction block for Redis Pipelining.

Syntax: `MULTI`

2. EXEC: Executes all the commands in the transaction block.

Syntax: `EXEC`

Below is an example Using MULTI and EXEC to perform a transaction with Redis Pipelining:


import redis
# Create a Redis connection
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
# Start a pipeline
pipe = r.pipeline()
# Queue up commands within the transaction
pipe.set('name', 'Alice')
# Execute the transaction
# Retrieve and print the result
result = pipe.execute()
print("Name:", result[1].decode('utf-8'))

3. SET: Sets the value of a key.

Syntax: `SET key value`

4. GET: Retrieves the value associated with a key.

Syntax: `GET key`

Below is an example Using SET and GET commands in a Redis Pipelining:


import redis
# Create a Redis connection
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
# Start a pipeline
pipe = r.pipeline()
# Queue up SET and GET commands
pipe.set('name', 'Alice')
# Execute the pipeline
responses = pipe.execute()
# Decode and print the result
name = responses[1].decode('utf-8')
print("Name:", name)  # This will print "Name: Alice"

5. DISCARD: Cancels the transaction block created by MULTI, discarding all queued commands.


Below is an example Using DISCARD to cancel a transaction:


import redis
# Create a Redis connection
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
# Start a pipeline
pipe = r.pipeline()
# Queue up commands within the transaction
pipe.set('name', 'Alice')
pipe.discard()  # Cancel the transaction
# Execute the pipeline (no need for EXEC after DISCARD)
# Attempt to retrieve the value (it won't be set)
value = r.get('name')
print("Name:", value)  # This will print "Name: None"

6. HSET: Sets the field in a hash stored at the given key to the specified value.

Syntax: HSET key field value

7. HGET: Retrieves the value of a field in a hash stored at the given key.

Syntax: HGET key field

Below is an example Using `HSET` and `HGET` commands in Redis Pipelining:


import redis
# Create a Redis connection
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
# Start a pipeline
pipe = r.pipeline()
# Queue up HSET and HGET commands
pipe.hset('user:id1', 'username', 'Alice')
pipe.hget('user:id1', 'username')
# Execute the pipeline
responses = pipe.execute()
# Decode and print the result
username = responses[1].decode('utf-8')
print("Username:", username)  # This will print "Username: Alice"

8. RPUSH: Appends one or more values to the end of a list.

Syntax: RPUSH key value [value …]

9. LPOP: Removes and returns the first element from a list.

Syntax: LPOP key

Below is an example Using `RPUSH` to add elements to a list and `LPOP` to remove and retrieve elements from the list in Redis Pipelining:


import redis
# Create a Redis connection
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
# Start a pipeline
pipe = r.pipeline()
# Queue up RPUSH and LPOP commands
pipe.rpush('tasks', 'Task 1', 'Task 2')
# Execute the pipeline
responses = pipe.execute()
# Print the results
# This will print "Task removed: Task 1"
print("Task removed:", responses[1].decode('utf-8'))

Complete Guide to Redis Pipelining

Redis is unbeatable when it comes to storing and retrieving data. It is open source and functions as an in-memory data structure store that provides performance, low latency data to different applications. Among others, one feature to effectuate this is Redis Pipelining – so stated by Redis. Here we analyze the concept of Redis pipelining

Important Topics for Redis Pipelining

  • What is Redis Pipelining?
  • Request/Response Protocols and Round Trip Time (RTT)
  • Commands and Syntax of Redis Pipelining
  • Examples of Redis Pipelining
  • Pros of Redis Pipelining
  • Cons of Redis Pipelining
  • Conclusion

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