Command Pattern Examples in C++

Problem statement: Design a system that demonstrates the use of the Command Pattern to decouple the sender and receiver of a request. The system should consist of several key components: Command, Concrete Command, Receiver, and Invoker.

Below is the implementation of the Command Pattern in C++:


#include <iostream>
// Receiver
class Receiver {
    // Receiver class defines the action to be performed.
    void performAction()
        std::cout << "Receiver is performing an action."
                  << std::endl;
// Command interface
class Command {
    // The execute method is declared in the Command
    // interface.
    virtual void execute() = 0;
// Concrete Command
class ConcreteCommand : public Command {
    Receiver& receiver;
    // ConcreteCommand takes a reference to a Receiver
    // object in its constructor.
    ConcreteCommand(Receiver& rec)
        : receiver(rec)
    // The execute method calls the action on the Receiver.
    void execute() { receiver.performAction(); }
// Invoker
class Invoker {
    Command* command;
    // The setCommand method allows setting the command to
    // be executed.
    void setCommand(Command* cmd) { command = cmd; }
    // The executeCommand method triggers the execution of
    // the command.
    void executeCommand() { command->execute(); }
int main()
    // Create a Receiver instance.
    Receiver receiver;
    // Create a ConcreteCommand, passing the Receiver to it.
    ConcreteCommand command(receiver);
    // Create an Invoker.
    Invoker invoker;
    // Set the command to be executed by the invoker.
    // Execute the command.
    return 0;


Receiver is performing an action.

Problem statement: Design a system to simulate a remote control for various electronic devices. The system should allow users to turn these devices on and off using a remote control with multiple buttons. Implement the Command Pattern to achieve this functionality.

Below is the step by step process to implement above problem statement:

  • Create an interface or base class Command that defines a execute method, which should be implemented by concrete commands.
  • Implement concrete command classes, such as TurnOnCommand and TurnOffCommand, to encapsulate specific actions for turning electronic devices on and off.
  • Create a receiver class ElectronicDevice for the electronic devices that need to be controlled. It should have methods to turn the device on and off.
  • Design an Invoker class RemoteControl to manage and execute the commands. It should provide the following features:
    • The ability to add commands to specific buttons on the remote control.
    • A method to press a button, which triggers the associated command’s execution.
    • Demonstrate the functionality by creating instances of electronic devices (e.g., TV, lights), concrete commands (turn on TV, turn off lights), and a remote control.
    • Users should be able to press the buttons on the remote control to turn electronic devices on and off.
  • Ensure that the system is flexible and extensible, allowing for easy addition of new electronic devices and commands without modifying existing code.

Below is the implementation of the above example:


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
// Receiver: Electronic Device
class ElectronicDevice {
    std::string name;
    ElectronicDevice(const std::string& n)
        : name(n)
    void turnOn()
        std::cout << name << " is now ON." << std::endl;
    void turnOff()
        std::cout << name << " is now OFF." << std::endl;
// Command interface
class Command {
    virtual void execute() = 0;
// Concrete Command: Turn on
class TurnOnCommand : public Command {
    ElectronicDevice& device;
    TurnOnCommand(ElectronicDevice& dev)
        : device(dev)
    void execute() { device.turnOn(); }
// Concrete Command: Turn off
class TurnOffCommand : public Command {
    ElectronicDevice& device;
    TurnOffCommand(ElectronicDevice& dev)
        : device(dev)
    void execute() { device.turnOff(); }
// Invoker: Remote Control
class RemoteControl {
    std::vector<Command*> commands;
    void addCommand(Command* cmd)
    void pressButton(int slot)
        if (slot >= 0 && slot < commands.size()) {
int main()
    // Create electronic devices
    ElectronicDevice tv("TV");
    ElectronicDevice lights("Lights");
    // Create commands for turning devices on and off
    TurnOnCommand turnOnTV(tv);
    TurnOffCommand turnOffTV(tv);
    TurnOnCommand turnOnLights(lights);
    TurnOffCommand turnOffLights(lights);
    // Create a remote control
    RemoteControl remote;
    // Set commands for remote buttons
    remote.addCommand(&turnOnTV); // Button 0: Turn on TV
    remote.addCommand(&turnOffTV); // Button 1: Turn off TV
        &turnOnLights); // Button 2: Turn on Lights
        &turnOffLights); // Button 3: Turn off Lights
    // Press buttons on the remote
    remote.pressButton(0); // Turn on TV
    remote.pressButton(3); // Turn off Lights
    remote.pressButton(1); // Turn off TV
    remote.pressButton(2); // Turn on Lights
    return 0;


TV is now ON.
Lights is now OFF.
TV is now OFF.
Lights is now ON.

Command Pattern | C++ Design Patterns

The Command Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that focuses on encapsulating a request as an object, thereby decoupling the sender of the request from the receiver. This pattern allows you to parameterize objects with commands, delay or queue a request’s execution, and support undoable operations. It’s a fundamental pattern for implementing a wide range of functionality in software systems.

Important Topics for the Command Pattern in C++ Design Patterns

  • key components of the Command Pattern
  • Command Pattern Examples in C++
  • Advantages of the Command Pattern in C++ Design Patterns
  • Disadvantages of the Command Pattern in C++ Design Patterns

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