
Clients and servers in RESTful APIs are completely separate.They are not on the same system or in the same file and they’re able to message each other over a network in order to make requests and get back responses.This part of the RESTful API architecture allows each side to be able to scale independently each other and they can evolve and be completely built separately by different people. RESTful API allows the whole system to scale very easily.

What makes an API RESTful?

An API (Application Programming Interface) acts as a messenger between different software applications. It defines a set of rules, protocols, and specifications for how applications request data, exchange information, and receive responses.

Table of Content

  • Introduction to REST API
  • HTTP Methods
  • Representation
  • Clinet-Server
  • Stateless Communication
  • Resource-Based
  • Self-Descriptive Messages
  • Hypermedia (HATEOAS – Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State)
  • Best Practices for Designing Robust and User-Friendly RESTful APIs

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Introduction to REST API

A RESTful API (Representational State Transfer API) is an architectural style for designing networked applications. It is based on a set of principles that define how resources are identified and addressed, and how interactions occur between clients and servers over HTTP....

HTTP Methods

RESTful APIs use standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) to perform actions on resources:...


Resources are represented in a specific standard data format like JSON(Javascript Object Notation) and that is sent in response to the client.This is the representation part of the representational state transfer....


Clients and servers in RESTful APIs are completely separate.They are not on the same system or in the same file and they’re able to message each other over a network in order to make requests and get back responses.This part of the RESTful API architecture allows each side to be able to scale independently each other and they can evolve and be completely built separately by different people. RESTful API allows the whole system to scale very easily....

Stateless Communication

The server shouldn’t be storing any sort of client side,state or client data between the requests,this means that each single request can be complete and each single response is also complete without need to know what happened previously. This allows better scalability of the API and it simplifies the server side implementation....


It is an API that is centered around resources and uses an unique resource identifier(URI), also known as a Unique resource locator(URL) identifies that resources in the API....

Self-Descriptive Messages

Responses often include metadata (status codes, error messages) to guide clients and improve debugging.Imagine a restaurant waiter informing you if your order went through successfully or if there are any issues (e.g., item unavailable)....

Hypermedia (HATEOAS – Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State)

Ideal RESTful APIs provide links within responses to expose available related resources and actions. This promotes discoverability and reduces the need for hardcoded URLs.Think of a restaurant menu recommending side dishes to complement your main course. The menu itself guides you towards other relevant resources (dishes)....

Best Practices for Designing Robust and User-Friendly RESTful APIs

Creating well-structured RESTful APIs is essential for seamless communication between applications and efficient data exchange. Here are some key best practices to follow:...

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