Classification of Kingdom Monera

The kingdom Monera is classified based on their appearance on the planet Earth into primitive archaebacteria, and modern eubacteria. However, there is a third group called Cyanobacteria.

Ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) investigations of the genetic makeup of the organisms led to the split of prokaryotic organisms into the Bacteria and Archaea domains. Additionally, they are useful in the synthesis of various foods and antibiotics.


Some of the characteristics of the group archaebacteria are;

  • They are the oldest bacteria
  • They can be found in extreme environments such as methane marshes (methanogens), hot springs (thermophiles), and highly salty places (halophiles).
  • Since their cell walls are built differently than those of other bacteria, they can endure extreme environments.
  • Autotrophic mode of feeding is the method of life as they are the first living organisms on earth.
  • Unique nucleotide sequences make up its tRNA and rRNA.
  • “True bacteria” is another name for eubacteria.
  • It moves with the aid of flagella.
  • A few bacteria have small extensions called pili on their cell surfaces that aid them in a form of sexual reproduction called transduction. The pathogen can connect to a host with the aid of pili as well.
  • Methanogens are crucial in the sewage treatment process. Archaebacteria are a major source of food for numerous creatures.
  • Some of the examples are; Methanobacterium, Halobacterium, etc.


Some of the characteristics of the eubacterium are;

  • The name “eubacterium” also known as “eubacteria” is used to identify and separate the archaebacteria from a group of modern prokaryotic bacteria. The term “bacteria” now refers to modern bacteria.
  • They have a cell wall that is mainly made of peptidoglycan layers.
  • Found in normal conditions all over the surrounding environment.
  • They can be both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
  • Depending on the composition of the cell wall and the dye they absorb, they are categorized as either gram-positive bacteria or gram-negative bacteria.
  • They are environmental decomposers, parasites, and even free-living.
  • Some of the examples are; Rhizobium, Pseudomonas, etc.

Cyanobacteria (Subgroup)

Some of the common characteristics of cyanobacteria are;

  • Also called blue-green algae.
  • These microbes are naturally photosynthetic.
  • They contain phycobilins, carotenoids, and chlorophyll pigments that aid in the process of photosynthesis.
  • They inhabit an aquatic environment only.
  • Some of these even fix nitrogen in the air.
  • Some of the examples of cyanobacteria include Nostoc, Anabaena, Spirulina, etc.

Kingdom Monera – Definition, Classification, Characteristics, Examples

Kingdom Monera is a group of prokaryotic organisms that are unicellular and lack a nucleus. They are the oldest organisms on Earth and all living things developed from them. Kingdom Monera includes two main groups – Archaebacteria and Eubacteria. They live in extreme conditions of the environment such as high temperatures, high salt concentrations, hot springs, deep oceans, and salt marshes.

Monera are either autotrophs or heterotrophs. They are also found in moist environments such as snow, and deep oceans, and as parasites in other organisms. In this article, you can find the Kingdom Monera notes.

Table of Content

  • Kingdom Monera
  • Characteristics of Kingdom Monera
  • Classification of Kingdom Monera
  • Bacteria
  • General Structure of Bacteria
  • Conclusion – Kingdom Monera
  • FAQs on Kingdom Monera

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