Class Method in Dart

All the methods declared with static keyword are termed as class method. They can’t access non-static variables and can’t invoke non-static methods of the class. It must be noted that unlike instance method class method can directly be called by using class name.


// Creating class method
static return_type method_name() {

   // Body of method

// Calling class method

Creating class method in Dart –

// Creating Class named Gfg
class Gfg {
    // Creating a class method name
    // sum with two parameters
    static void sum(int c, int d)
        // Printing the result
        print('Sum of numbers is ${c + d}');
void main()
    // Calling the method sum without the
    // use of object i.e with class name
    Gfg.sum(11, 32);


Sum of numbers is 43

Instance and class methods in Dart

Dart provides us with the ability to create methods of our own. The methods are created to perform certain actions in class. Methods help us to remove the complexity of the program. It must be noted that methods may and may not return any value and also it may or may not take any parameter as input. Methods in a class can be either an object method or a class method.

There are two types of methods in Dart:

  1. Instance Method
  2. Class Method

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