Choosing the Right Technique – When to Use?

TechniqueWhen to Use
Huber Regression– Small to medium-sized outliers in the data.
– When a combination of both least-squares and absolute deviation methods is desired
– When scaling of input features and target variable is expected
RANSAC Regression– Large outliers in the y direction
– Linear and non-linear regression problems
– Situations where a subset of data points can be considered as inliers (e.g., photogrammetry)
Theil Sen Regression– Medium-sized outliers in the X direction
– Robustness to multivariate outliers
Quantile RegressionPredicting an interval instead of a point

Methods for Dealing with Outliers in Regression Analysis

Outliers are the unusual values in the dataset that abnormally lie outside the overall data pattern. Detecting outliers is one of the most important steps in data preprocessing since it can negatively affect the statistical analysis and the training process of a machine learning algorithm.

In this article, we will explore different methods to deal with outliers in regression analysis.

Table of Content

  • Robust Regression Techniques for Outliers
    • 1. Huber Regression
    • 2. RANSAC Regression
    • 3. Theil Sen Regression
    • 4. Quantile Regression
  • Choosing the Right Technique – When to Use?

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Choosing the Right Technique – When to Use?

TechniqueWhen to UseHuber Regression– Small to medium-sized outliers in the data.– When a combination of both least-squares and absolute deviation methods is desired– When scaling of input features and target variable is expectedRANSAC Regression– Large outliers in the y direction– Linear and non-linear regression problems– Situations where a subset of data points can be considered as inliers (e.g., photogrammetry)Theil Sen Regression– Medium-sized outliers in the X direction– Robustness to multivariate outliersQuantile RegressionPredicting an interval instead of a point...


In conclusion, when dealing with outliers in regression analysis, it’s crucial to choose the appropriate technique based on the characteristics of the data and the nature of the outliers....

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