Choosing Right Instance Type

Firstly, you need a compute instance to run MongoDB on, and you should examine how much data you have, what questions you have, and what service level agreements you have with your customers. Ideally, you have to make sure that your chosen instance has enough RAM to support your workload and it has fast enough persistent storage. In general, databases do well with fast persistent storage. Let’s Create New Instance.

Creating the Instance in GCP

Step 1: Go to Compute Engine in GCP and click Create Instance.


Step 2: Fill in your instance type details and click Create. This may take a few seconds – if so, don’t worry.



Step 3: MongoDB listens on port 27017. You have to make sure that this port is allowed in your firewall rules for the specific IP addresses you want to grant access to. Be careful, don’t open this port to the world. One way to restrict access is to create a new firewall rule in your VPC like this: Source IP address ranges are allowed server IP addresses that allow access, protocols, and ports. At this point, you have set up your instance. The next step is the installation of MongoDB on the google cloud Platform.

How to Run MongoDB on Google Cloud Platform?

MongoDB, the most popular NoSQL database in the technical world, is not based on a table-like relational database structure but provides different mechanisms for storing and retrieving data. This storage format is called BSON (similar to JSON). The term “NoSQL” means “non-relational”. A relational database management system (RDBMS) is not the right choice when it comes to controlling big data by design because it is not horizontally expandable. If the database is running on a single server, it will reach a scaling limit. NoSQL databases are more expandable or adaptable. MongoDB is such a NoSQL database that scales by adding more and more servers and increases productivity with a flexible document model.

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