Check Python Path

In Linux, the Python interpreter is typically installed in the `/usr/bin` directory. To ensure that the Python executable is included in the system’s PATH environment variable, execute the following command:

echo $PATH

If `/usr/bin` is not included in the output, you need to add it to the PATH variable. You can do this by modifying your shell configuration file (e.g.,`.bashrc`, `.bash_profile`, `.zshrc`, etc.) and appending the following line:

export PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH"

After making the changes, reload the shell configuration file by running:

source ~/.bashrc

How to Resolve Python Command Not Found Error in Linux

Python is a powerful programming language commonly used for various tasks, ranging from scripting to web development and data analysis. However, when working with Python on a Linux system, you may encounter the frustrating “Python command not found” error. This error occurs when the system cannot locate the Python interpreter, preventing you from running Python scripts or accessing the Python REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop). In this article, we’ll explore various scenarios that can lead to this error and provide step-by-step solutions to resolve it.

Table of Content

  • Verify Python Installation:
  • Check Python Path:
  • How to Resolve Python Command Not Found Error in Linux
  • Install Python to avoid Python Command Not Found Error in Linux:
  • Install Python From Terminal in linux
  • How to Resolve Python Command Not Found Error in Linux – FAQs

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Check Python Path:

In Linux, the Python interpreter is typically installed in the `/usr/bin` directory. To ensure that the Python executable is included in the system’s PATH environment variable, execute the following command:...

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In conclusion, resolving the “Python Command Not Found” error in Linux involves checking whether Python is installed, verifying the Python executable’s path in the system’s PATH variable, and installing Python if necessary. By following these steps and understanding common FAQs related to this issue, users can effectively address the error and ensure Python is correctly configured on their Linux system....

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