Challenges and Considerations in Continuous Delivery

1. Tool Integration

  • Using various tools for code build, testing and deployment can be complex and need lot of effort from DevOps team.
  • Using the right tools and processes with significant effort for successful integration makes the CD process a success.

2. Security Risks

  • Security can be an issue throughout the CD process which could derail the complete process.
  • Security shouldbe a top priority by implementing the security measures like access control, vulnerability scanning and incident response plans.

3. Testing Bottlenecks

  • Continuous and in-depth testing is crucial for continuous delivery but these can also slow down the process significantly.
  • The CD process should ensure efficient and comprehensive testing using the right test automation tools.

4. Resistance to Change

  • There can be stiff resistance to changes in implementing the CD process.
  • Educating the team members and helping them understand the benefits of implementing the Agile CD process will help to overcome the resistance.

5. Communication and Collaboration

  • There could be misunderstandings between teams which can hinder the process.
  • An effective communication and collaboration between teams are essential for a successful CD implementation.

6. Frequent Code Changes

  • Developers can be put at considerable pain due to frequent changes and due to that making code changes frequently.
  • Avoid changes frequently without valid reason and help developers plan well in advance to handle changes when necessary.

What is Continuous Delivery (CD) in Agile?

Software delivery and deployment have evolved over the years from manual processes to automated processes. During the days of the manual delivery process, once the deployment to the production server is ready, a major update is done during the night or when no users are accessing the server and there would be long server downtime but using the agile continuous delivery method, small iterations of changes are added seamlessly with the automated delivery process. In this article, let us discuss the continuous delivery process in Agile.

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Key Concepts and Principles of Continuous Delivery in Agile

Sprint-based releases: In agile scrum, every sprint becomes a potential release candidate enabled by the continuous delivery process. This leads to smaller and more frequent deployments for successful releases. Automation of all processes: Automating the build, testing, delivery, and deployment processes is the most important step in implementing continuous delivery in Agile. Build Quality: The quality of process and delivery is an integrated part of every continuous delivery in agile. All new piece of delivery is passed through automated tests to ensure everything is bug-free and meets the performance metrics for the highest quality. Reduced Risk: The automated testing and build process helps to avoid any bugs reaching production. This leads to quality delivery, improved software stability, and higher user satisfaction. Faster Feedback: Continuous delivery helps software features be added to production frequently and at a faster pace, which helps to receive quick user feedback, allowing the scrum team to adapt and iterate quickly. Improved Team Focus: Continuous delivery enables developers to focus on development and providing solutions, while it handles the deployment and delivery....

Key Steps in the Continuous Delivery Agile

Code Development: While implementing the continuous delivery process in Agile for software development, the developers work on small and manageable pieces of functionality like user stories and write software code to add these features. Continuous Integration: Continuous integration occurs before the continuous delivery, when developers integrate their code changes to a version control repository like GIT. Artifact Generation: When successful integration and testing are done, the continuous integration process generates the artifacts such as compiled binaries or deployable packages for deployment to the server. Deployment Automation: Once the artifacts are generated the automated deployment takes these and deploys to the target server environment across different stages. Release to Production: In the continuous delivery process, once the automated tests in staging environment pass for the changes completed, the software changes are released to the production environment using different deployment methods to avoid any downtime. Monitoring and Feedback: After deployment is completed in production for particular release, continuous monitoring is done to gather any issue logs and other metrics to gather feedback on the performance and behavior of the application. Continuous Improvement: The continuous delivery in agile emphasizes continuous improvement and delivering value to customers continuously and in a more effective way....

Tools and Practices for Successful Continuous Delivery


Challenges and Considerations in Continuous Delivery

1. Tool Integration...

Case Studies

1. BH-EHR Application...

Benefits of Continuous Delivery in Agile

Faster time to market: Continuous delivery in agile helps in incremental releases to get features to users quickly in line with customer needs and market competitiveness. Increased Agility and Flexibility: The continuous delivery process helps in the ability to respond quickly to any requirement changes or market conditions. Smaller and frequent releases help to avoid longer wait time for integrating any new features and improvements. Improved Software Quality: Frequent testing and monitoring of delivered features with continuous delivery helps in a more stable and reliable software. Business Value: Continuous delivery leads to improved velocity, business value and higher productivity delivering value to customers. Consistent and Repeatable Process: Continuous delivery process relies in automated and standardized process to ensure consistency across cross functional teams which helps to maintain a reliable and repeatable release pipeline. Enhanced Collaboration: Faster and continuous feedback from continuous delivery helps in closer collaboration between all team members including developers, QA Team and all stakeholders....


Agile methodologies advocate a culture of efficiency, responsiveness, collaboration and responding to change quickly. With the continuous delivery process implementation, these agile principles are aligned well with the iterative and customer-centric development and delivery process. This helps to make the release process highly predictable, reliable and sustainable....

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