Cause of Error

Syntax Error: The code doesn’t follow the right structure. For instance, if we write print(“Hello, world!”) but forget to close the quotation marks, we’ll see a syntax error.

# Incorrect syntax: missing closing quotation mark
print("Hello, world!)


Error: unexpected symbol in:
"# Incorrect syntax: missing closing quotation mark

Runtime Error: When the code is written correctly, but it tries to do something impossible. For example, if we attempt to divide a number by zero, we’ll encounter a runtime error because we can’t divide by zero.

# Attempting to divide by zero
result <- 10 / 0


[1] Inf

Here, R returns Inf, which stands for “infinity,” because dividing any non-zero number by zero results in infinity in R.

Logical Error: It’s happen when the code looks right and makes sense, but it doesn’t give the expected results. For example, try to add two words together using the addition operator (+), it won’t work as expected because we can’t add words together like numbers.

# Adding two words together
result <- "Hello" + "World"


Error in "Hello" + "World" : non-numeric argument to binary operator

How to Implement Error Handling in R Programming

Error handling is a crucial aspect of programming that allows to identify, and gracefully manage errors or exceptions that may occur during the execution of code. In R Programming Language, effective error handling can enhance the reliability of scripts and applications.

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Cause of Error

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Error Handling in R Programming

Syntax Error...

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