C Program to Implement Binary Heap

We will implement min-heap in this C Program. We can also implement the max heap using minor tweaks.

// C++ program to implement the binary min heap data
// stucture using arrays
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX_SIZE 100

// utility function to swap two values
void swap(int* a, int* b)
    int temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;

void heapify(int* heap, int size, int i)
    if (!heap) {
        printf("Invalid Heap!\n");
    int leftChild = 2 * i + 1;
    int rightChild = 2 * i + 2;

    // if we are creating min heap, then we take
    // the smallest element, if we are creating
    // max heap, then we will take the largest element
    int smallest = i;
    if (leftChild < size
        && heap[leftChild] < heap[smallest]) {
        smallest = leftChild;
    if (rightChild < size
        && heap[rightChild] < heap[smallest]) {
        smallest = rightChild;
    // if the root is not the smallest, we need to swap
    if (smallest != i) {
        swap(heap + i, heap + smallest);
        heapify(heap, size, smallest);

// building heap form the whole array
void buildHeap(int* arr, int size)
    int start = size / 2 - 1;
    for (int i = start; i >= 0; i--) {
        heapify(arr, size, i);

// insert new element
void insert(int* heap, int* size, int element)
    if (*size == MAX_SIZE) {
        printf("Heap Overflow!\n");

    heap[*size] = element;

    int i = *size - 1;
    while (i > 0) {
        if (heap[(i - 1) / 2] > heap[i]) {
            swap(heap + (i - 1) / 2, heap + i);
            i = (i - 1) / 2;

        else {

// delete elements
void delete (int* heap, int* size, int index)
    if (size == 0) {
        printf("Heap Underflow\n");

    heap[index] = heap[*size - 1];
    *size = *size - 1;

    heapify(heap, *size, index);

// extract the mininmum
int extractMin(int* heap, int* size)
    int min = heap[0];

    delete (heap, size, 0);

    return min;

// function to print heap
void printHeap(int* heap, int size)
    // int lastInternal = size / 2 - 1;
    // int curLevel;
    // int nodeCount;
    // int i = 0;
    // while (i <= lastInternal) {
    //     int curLevel = log2(i + 1);
    //     nodeCount = 0;
    //     while(nodeCount != curLevel) {
    //         printf("%d ", heap[i + nodeCount])
    //     }
    //     print
    // }
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        printf("%d ", heap[i]);

// driver code
int main()
    int heap[MAX_SIZE] = { 11 };
    int size = 0;

    buildHeap(heap, size);

    insert(heap, &size, 3);
    insert(heap, &size, 2);
    insert(heap, &size, 1);
    insert(heap, &size, 15);
    insert(heap, &size, 5);
    insert(heap, &size, 4);
    insert(heap, &size, 45);

    printHeap(heap, size);

    return 0;

1 1 3 2 4 11 131 121 5 

C Program to Implement Binary Heap

Binary heaps are the most fundamental data structures which are used in various algorithms. They are mostly used in implementing priority queues and also in heapsort. They are tree-based data structures that satisfy heap order property. In this article, we will study the implementation of Binary heaps in C language.

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