British Advantage

The industrial revolution and modernization of society led to the invention and use of the Telegraph and postal communication on a broad scale in England. Also, the Britishers had highly skilled and experienced generals who played a significant role in suppressing the revolt. The English were masters of the sea route and had a very large navy across the world through which they managed to move their soldiers from England to India quickly. Englishmen proved themselves superior by using electric Telegram and postal communication to keep in update and maintain coordination between soldiers and commander.


The revolt was actually a product of the character and policies of colonial rule, the peoples’ accumulated resentments against the administration of society, and their aversion to the foreign regime. However, the revolt was suppressed by the British, but the revolt of 1857 played an important role in uniting the Indian people and giving them an awareness of belonging to one country.

Causes of Failure of 1857 Revolt

Reasons For Failure of Revolt of 1857 is not based on only one major cause, there had been many reasons that led to the collapse of this powerful rebellion like there was no common leader, no unity, didn’t getting support from all rulers and classes of India. Another one of the main reasons behind the collapse of the revolt was that it was poorly organized.

The event was known as many names the Sepoy Mutiny, the Indian Mutiny, the Great Rebellion, the Revolt of 1857, the Indian Resurrection, and India’s First War Of Independence.

Table of Content

  • Lack of Spirit of Nationalism
  • Lack of Pan-India Participation
  • Lack of Unity
  • Lack of All Class Participation
  • No Support from the Ruling Class
  • Poor Arms And Equipment
  • Poorly Organized
  • No Common Goal
  • No Alternative Planning
  • British Advantage

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British Advantage

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