Branch and Bound Algorithm

Branch and bound is an algorithm design paradigm which is generally used for solving combinatorial optimization problems. These problems typically exponential in terms of time complexity and may require exploring all possible permutations in worst case. Branch and Bound solve these problems relatively quickly. 

Firstly let us explore all approaches for this problem.

1. 0/1 Knapsack using Greedy Approach:

A Greedy approach is to pick the items in decreasing order of value per unit weight. The Greedy approach works only for fractional knapsack problem and may not produce correct result for 0/1 knapsack.

2. 0/1 Knapsack using Dynamic Programming (DP):

We can use Dynamic Programming (DP) for 0/1 Knapsack problem. In DP, we use a 2D table of size n x W. The DP Solution doesn’t work if item weights are not integers.

3. 0/1 Knapsack using Brute Force:

Since DP solution doesn’t always work just like in case of non-integer weight, a solution is to use Brute Force. With n items, there are 2n solutions to be generated, check each to see if they satisfy the constraint, save maximum solution that satisfies constraint. This solution can be expressed as tree.

0/1 Knapsack using Brute Force

4. 0/1 Knapsack using Backtracking:

We can use Backtracking to optimize the Brute Force solution. In the tree representation, we can do DFS of tree. If we reach a point where a solution no longer is feasible, there is no need to continue exploring. In the given example, backtracking would be much more effective if we had even more items or a smaller knapsack capacity.

0/1 Knapsack using Backtracking

5. 0/1 Knapsack using Branch and Bound:

The backtracking based solution works better than brute force by ignoring infeasible solutions. We can do better (than backtracking) if we know a bound on best possible solution subtree rooted with every node. If the best in subtree is worse than current best, we can simply ignore this node and its subtrees. So we compute bound (best solution) for every node and compare the bound with current best solution before exploring the node.

0/1 Knapsack using Branch and Bound

0/1 Knapsack using Branch and Bound

Given two arrays v[] and w[] that represent values and weights associated with n items respectively. Find out the maximum value subset(Maximum Profit) of v[] such that the sum of the weights of this subset is smaller than or equal to Knapsack capacity W.

Note: The constraint here is we can either put an item completely into the bag or cannot put it at all [It is not possible to put a part of an item into the bag.

Input: N = 3, W = 4, v[] = {1, 2, 3}, w[] = {4, 5, 1}
Output: 3
Explanation: There are two items which have weight less than or equal to 4. If we select the item with weight 4, the possible profit is 1. And if we select the item with weight 1, the possible profit is 3. So the maximum possible profit is 3. Note that we cannot put both the items with weight 4 and 1 together as the capacity of the bag is 4.

Input: N = 5, W = 10, v[] = {40, 50, 100, 95, 30}, w[] = {2, 3.14, 1.98, 5, 3}
Output: 235

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