Best Resume Tips That You Must Consider

So, in this article, we will be talking about how can you work on your resume and make it unique and different from others:

1. Use Simple Font

The first and foremost point while making a resume is to use a simple font such as Ariel, Times New Roman, Bell MT, or Tahoma. Today we see Gen Z trying to make very attractive resumes by using different types of fonts for highlighting various skills, but this only makes things cluttered up rather than making them look good. Therefore it is necessary that you keep things simple. 

For avoiding confusion you can use bullet points to highlight in order to prioritize your skills and achievements. As we all know that recruiters do not have much time to read out every resume, hence making things clear to them by doing such things can help you to grab their attention. 

2. Focus on Keywords

It is vital that you know what keywords are required for the particular job posting and use them on your resume. Having all the necessary keywords can enable your resume to top in the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Always read the job posting carefully before applying for any job and then work on your resume accordingly as it will increase the chances of getting a call from the company. Because a resume is the first step where you can impress the person sitting in front of you. Therefore, make sure that you study everything properly and include the keywords in your resume accordingly. 

3. Short and Crisp Summary

The most common mistake that candidates do while making a resume is bragging a lot in the summary. People include all their skills in the summary and forget about their goals. A summary is just a statement where you have the chance, to sum up, your goals briefly. It is written at the beginning of the resume, so it is important that you choose wise words and do not write cliche sentences like “too hard-working or too disciplined”. Focus on your language and write down about your career so far in an impressive way that the recruiter cannot skip those details. 

4. List Your Skills On The Top

Skills are the key to any resume, however, people tend to write it at last. But it is not the right practice! You get a job on how well you have tailored your skills. Write them down in a way that catches the eye of the recruiter at the very first glance. But also, do not exaggerate the accomplishments that you did at your previous job as it creates a negative impact and can even backfire at times. Always write that what you want to achieve in life and the job you want to do hence, creating a positive impact on the mind of the person who is reading your resume. 

5. Provide Links 

Providing links to your work samples is another highlight that can help your resume in grabbing the attention of the recruiter. Although, this is much useful for people who work in fields including marketing, designing, writing, social media, or any other creative field where you can showcase your work. The recruiters appreciate this as they do not have to wait for one extra mail to get the samples of the work which you have done in the past. Also, while giving the links make sure that it is well-defined as it increases the chances of getting a callback and that is what we want! 

6. Write the Numbers

Showcasing your work in numbers is always helpful as it emphasizes the result of all your achievements. Although, it is important for everyone, people who are in finance or marketing, can show things statistically about their growth in their career and previous organization. While providing numbers one can also mention the number of times they have been promoted as it can grab the attention of the hiring manager and let them know the capabilities of the candidate.

Also Read | Things You Should Remove From Your Resume…ASAP!

7. Perfect Length

We tend to add everything we know on our resume making it lengthy and boring. The ideal length of the resume where you have written all your achievements and skills is generally 1-2 pages, after that, it can extend up to various pages depending on your experience. However, it is important that you write everything related to your personality, but try not to make it boring. Trying to attract people on the basis of your skill is fine but exaggerating is never a good option. Therefore, be careful regarding the sentences and make them one-liners thus keeping them short and crisp.

8. Choose Wise Headings

Section heading basically works as a tool for the recruiter as it helps them to navigate your resume easily. Try dividing your resume into sections rather than cluttering up everything in one place. Giving appropriate heading will help the recruiter to focus on the sections which interest them the most or which are appropriate for the job posting, which they are finding the candidate for.

9. Show Your Reliability

Getting a job also depends upon the reliability of the person, therefore, it is important that you show how trustworthy you are and the company can hire you for an important role. People who keep on changing jobs are not considered as serious about their careers which can create a red flag for the recruiter. Hence, it’s vital that you show your value and mention your experience in a way that does not demonstrate you as flaky.

10. Make Sure To Proof-read

People tend to make the horrible mistake of not proofreading their work before submitting it, which is not good practice. The same applies to the resume, before uploading it to any site or forwarding it to someone make sure that you read it twice. For better results, you can also use tools available online and perform spelling and grammar checks. Apart from that, you can also send it to your friend and ask them to read it thoroughly as sometimes the third-party objective can also make a lot of difference. 

Hence, these were the ways in which you can make your resume grab the recruiter’s attention and make it stand out from others. 

Truly, creating an enriching and professional resume along with considering various prominent parameters like ATS-friendly, short & concise, creative, etc. is not an as easy task as it seems, especially for freshers or students. However, w3wiki can help you with that as it provides you FREE Online Resume Builder that allows you to create a professional and engaging resume within a few minutes.

w3wiki Resume Builder offers you numerous enriching resume templates that can surely help you to grab the attention of the recruiters and eventually get hired at your dream company. 

It is important that you include all the above-mentioned points in your resume as highlighting vital things without any error will definitely take you a step forward toward your dream job!

10 Best Resume Tips: Grab The Recruiters’ Attention in SECONDS!

A resume is the mirror that tells about the candidate and breaks them a chance of getting their dream job. But creating an eye-catching resume is not an easy task.

It requires skills that can eventually create a good impression on the recruiter. Because when any company rolls a vacancy for any particular position it certainly wants the best candidate. Thus, at that time your resume plays a vital role. An excellent and professional resume helps you to stand out from the crowd and calls for the attention that you want in order to get that job.

So what do you think a resume requires, to grab the attention of any recruiter? 

There are many styles and techniques which can be applied to make an appealing resume, and these few things, such as relevant experience, education, or relevant skill, are in every resume out there. But we have to stand out from others so to become different from everyone and get our dream job, these techniques such as using simple font, focusing on keywords, writing a short and crisp summary, providing links of your work, etc., can be applied.

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Best Resume Tips That You Must Consider:

So, in this article, we will be talking about how can you work on your resume and make it unique and different from others:...

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